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Yellow-Naped Amazon Parrot - Maybe!!!!


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I'm hoping that some of our Amazon parronts can help me out here. I'm thinking of re-homing an older Yellow-naped Amazon. (I think that is what this amazon is) So if anyone has any experience with one, please help me out! What are their personalities like and do they get along with greys??


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OMG! That's Nilah in that picture!! :woohoo: :woohoo:


My advice to you is this............do it, do it, do it!


I LOVE amazons, they are incredibly entertaining, fun, love to play. Boy, can they talk! Rikki my grey is talking way more than she ever did before. She tries to compete with Nilah. I am still in the cute baby stage, Nilah is not quite tow yet, but I expect we will have our moments in a couple of years.


Best of luck and keep us posted. Amazons LOVE water and showers. Nilah showers with me daily. They do need a different diet, much less fat than other birds, you have to watch their diet more than greys. But they are such fun to have around, they love guests, but will bond with one family member, but will also enjoy being with the others also. That's my very quick opinion. My birds are getting grouchy, they want to go to bed....:unsure:

I can't wait to see what you decide......also, they LOVE climbing and are very good at it! B)

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Just another thought and observation, when a grey bites and means it, they cut the skin and draw blood. Amazons seem to bite hard, latch on and press down like a vise grip trying to break bones, not skin. The skin doesn't get broken when nilah bites, just sore bones :-( :-( I know this because if nilah is up past her bed time, she decides she's NOT sleeping in her cage, she Will sleep on her playground!!! Well eventually she always loses, I have a cat and dog, so she must sleep in her cage for safety.

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I am totally in shock my Amazon has been sold. When I went to talk to the shop this AM he was gone. They sold him, Friday afternoon to a guy from Portland. I wish I had told them I was definitely going to take him, now its too late! I could kick myself, I am so stupid!!!!! :( :unsure:

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