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My Thoughts


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I just wanted to share my thoughts with the only people who would understand - you guys.


My lovely Beau is now 13 months old and is beginning to learn stuff much faster, he is picking up new things almost weekly now - words or antics. He has become so integrated into the family that I cannot imagine life without him now. In many ways it's like having a new(ish) baby, he has truly melted my heart - no one else could understand the effect these wonderful birds have on your life. I find I'm constantly worrying about his health and the possible effects of different things on his health, the latest being aspergillosis which I read an article on elsewhere, possible causes being moulds and household dust, don't laugh but after reading it, I went into the "bird's room" with a damp cloth and wiped down all the surfices after moving the cages away!


You have probably noticed I've omitted Argyle from my thoughts, of course I love Argyle too but I have a different relationship with Argyle - it's more a polite respect lol. Anyway, I just wanted to share with those who I knew would understand, I may be (more than) a little crazy but my fids really are my babies and I worry about them as if they were just that.

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I understand you perfectly Jules and most everyone else here does too, being a woman you worry more than most men would but you are a little crazy but in a nice way.


You probably have more reason to worry about mold than most of us here in the US since the UK has more rain than we do but you are a good mom to both Beau and Argyle even though Argyle doesn't return it the same as Beau.

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Completely understand your feelings Julie, since I and Kim feel the same about Dayo and fret over him.


You mention rescuing one that is older versus one you bring up from baby stage. It is a completely different feeling and love level between the two.


As you probably know, we rescue Dobermans. The love we have for a Doberman raised from 6 weeks old versus one that was rescued is a different level.


What I mean by this, is raising anything from a baby seems to form all the emotions tied to birthing a child, versus adopting one.


You do them both out of love and you do love both. But, the love for the birthed or raised from infant seems to be connect to a very deep emotional and mental connection in our minds and hearts.


It is hard to explain, but I think everyone knows what I am trying to describe.


Would we do anything and everything for an adopted pet or child?



But, for some deep down reason, we do not "Fret" over them and even have nightmares at times over them as we do our raised from infant children and pets.

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Dan you are spot-on and have summed it up well. Sometimes I feel a little guilty that my feeling are different towards my two babies but you have made me feel a little better about that, thank you. The only way I can describe it is that I have different relationships with both my fids but I love them both.

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