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To Clip or Not To Clip...Floor Walking


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Wow...I really have to thank everyone who responded to my thread. I really appreciate and love the community response. All I can say is that I am glad I came here for advice. i feel so happy that my baby can fly and that I am going to let him. Let me tell tonights story just for fun.


So at first i went out tonight to have some fun with a friend..and all the while i worried about my baby at home. Came back with Rebecca, my friend, and we played with issac for a couple hours...he loved it! He loves people..he is not nice to just me..but everyone...loves cuddling. So we rolled wooden balls on the floor with him..he must have soaked up at least 50 kisses over the course...and...he poops on command pretty darned good now. Absolutely no poop on the floor tonight..just every 15 mins or so..I would hold him inside his cage and say..'poop'...and the little angel did it. I am so proud of him..and he certainly knows it! Ohh my god....fly baby fly. He has also taken to his T-stand....I don;t know what happened over the last few days...but it seems like all my patience with him pays off. I really let him do what he wants until he does something unwanted. Then I put him somewhere where he is free to play. Praise good...do nothing for bad behavior. They take to praise suprisingly. I swear...just when you think you should lose hope...they amaze the hell out of you. This little guy is becoming the bird of my dreams. Thank every wonderful person on this forum for helping me on how to take care of my baby!!<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/06 08:43

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Thank you Dave..I understand that you are a valuable source of Grey info and I appreciate you giving my thread some time. Sincerely. I will be getting a harness for my grey most immediately and training him on it. Right now...it seems he is most malliable and accepting of everything. I have really never known a bird to be so loving and affectionate. After feeding him..i will take him on the couch and let him crawl up my chest by my head. Then i will talk to him with his head inches from my mouth..and he studies what I am saying. He looks on intently and it seems lately that he is trying to figure it out. i could swear today that he was trying to say 'Hello, Issac' like I alwasy say to him. the syllibles were there. I find it most re-enforcing to praise him even if I am not sure what he is trying to say..but i know he is trying to do something beyond his normal 'food call'...which is typically 'Beep'. Or a tweet if you will. Mommy call. Anyway..this is the most profound experience. I love caring for this bird. It even teaches me things things I can do to teach my 7 year old daughter. It really is like raising a child. Thank you all for the great welcome into these forums...and...I LOVE GREYS!!!!!!!!!!!

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By the way...it is really a trip to now read my original post...lol. I feel so much better now, than then.


Though that picture...gets me every time. It is the wallpaper on my phone. And any time in the day..that I want to feel good...I open my phone and look at that photo of my little birdie sleeping on my chest...and it raises me up...I glow. I swear...I must do that 10 - 15 times a day...at least....


...yeah...I like my bird. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/06 08:47

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Elvenking, I agree our greys are just too wonderful!!! I'm delighted you decided not to clip your grey, they are too beautiful when they fly and I believe so much happier! When I read your posts I hear the amazement of how much your grey tries to please you, aren't they they just the best. Can't wait to hear more from you about your sweet grey!

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He loves to fly to the kitchen....probably because I prepare his formula there. I let him hang out in the bathroom when I shower too, and he had no problem flying to the towel hanger and landing perfectly there. What a little explorer. I am just glad he feels sae and happy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I'm sure you've noticed, wing clipping is a heated topic amoung bird owners. I see you are choosing to leave your little guy free flighted. I have chosen to clip my birds. Three years ago I suffered the loss of a Pionus who flew away. I was letting the dogs out, the bird became startled, tried to fly to me but ended up outside. I live on a hill, so the wind carried him away and I never saw him again. After speaking neighbors who saw him fly by, I learned he was making terrible shrill sounds. My poor little friend was terrified. I know that he died afraid, cold, and alone. Having him fly away was a terrible experience I would not wish on anyone and hope to NEVER EVER experience again. When he flew away, Picasso was in need of a wing clipping. I let it go a bit longer than I should have because I didn't think it would be a big deal. He was very bonded to me and never(or so I believed) would have a chance to get out. I learned one can never predict what opputunities may come up, you can only do your best to prevent them.


When the babies were learning to fly, I really enjoyed watching them because I could see how much they enjoyed it. I allowed them to fledge and develop their muscles, then I clipped them for their own safety. I do feel bad sometimes, but this is something I am doing to try and keep them safe. I try to enrich their lives in other ways and they seem perfectly happy.

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we wont be clipping frostys wings,he crash landed lots of times when he was learning to fly ,now at 5 months he,s flying really well with no accidents,we have 3 dogs and we put frosty in his cage when the dogs come in,and they sit by frostys cage and he drops nuts to them lol

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I've only just noticed this particular debate although I have read many others on this subject. The one thing I don't think has been covered much on this one is the phycological effects on your bird due to clipping. Many birds become unhappy and pluck, so even when their new flights come in these are often plucked too. Never say never though, it's personal choice and based on the owner's circumstances.

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I can say that an attitude change is certain. I sometimes feel as if Phoenix is only playing nice to me so that I let his wings come in so he can escape. Sometimes I almost believe that, and perhaps I should? Despite having it made here, I am sure he'd run away like the prodigal son. I'm letting him keep his growth this time, we're trying bits of tofu (tho not as sticking to it as I had said I'd be, thanks life!) and well talking to him as if he's a 2 year old child... but we'll see.


Spring is nearing, he's been on the harness twice this winter and was mostly OK (I got bit). If he tries to take off from my shoulder while outside too often, I'm not sure what the next step will be.


I have entertained the idea of building a huge flight dome. I have friends who live far enough out (and could use it for their huskies) that it might be doable. This could allow for recall training and safe exercise, without the risk of him getting swept up in a wind and carried away. It would have to be huge though.

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Veenyx wrote:

When he flew away, Picasso was in need of a wing clipping. I let it go a bit longer than I should have because I didn't think it would be a big deal.


This is the most common mistake folks who keep birds clipped make. The don't think their bird will fly away.


It will and it will be severely handicapped, extremely susceptible to predators and IF found, getting it out of a 70 foot tree means climbing or getting a very long ladder and extension with perch attached to try and get them down.


I know this through real life experience in watching a "Clipped" bird fly away. Also, I did maintain the clip and truly did not believe he could fly. But when startled and all that adrenaline kicks in, all creation can do amazing things with the sudden increase in almost superhuman strength. I did find and retrieve him, but it was difficult and had to finally use a long 40 foot pole and ladder as described above. Since then, he is now fully flighted and knows how to fly in all situations. It is just our household responsibility to ensure the safe opening and closing of doors.


Retrieval of a flighted and well trained bird is normally easier and the bird is very safe with the ability to fly when threatened.

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