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let me clarify....Gave AG away;-(

Guest zingo

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Guest zingo

Maybe I wasn't so clear on what happened. Let me clarify it. My mother was going to take the bird after the split up and everyone moving. I would have taken him if she wasn't going to, the last thing

I wanted was for him to be given away. The day before we moved from the house she had found a lady that wanted to take him. So the morning of the move when I came down to greet him as I always did....he was gone....and that is when I found out that he was given away. I was not asked if I wanted him at the end or anything at all.

My mother figured that he would be best off with the new family and apologized for not asking if I wanted him again. I hope this clarifies my questions from above.

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Guest lowang59_98

I have to give in and say that Mamabird is right about visiting the bird. It would cause psychological damage, especially if the bird was bonded to him. Not that parrots are like humans, but it would feel like, ok, vacation over, are you going to take me home now?, and when you leave, Why are you leaving me here? Yeah you might say that these are human emotions, but all animals go through this when they are given away by people that they really love. When the bird finally gets over fretting and finds that he can love these people, then visiting the bird may bring back old feelings and cause problems for the new owners. Such as the bird biting the new owners, to plucking his feathers.


Darrin, seriously, I can relate to your circumstance, but if you feel that the new owners are going to be good to the bird. Then I would let it go. Maybe call them from time to time to see how the bird is doing, but you can never see him again, as you might cause even more damage than worrying about him. I know this is hard to do, cause losing a pet that you love dearly can be very painful, but for the well being of the bird, you shouldn't visit him.

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Guest lowang59_98

I can understand your pain. Its hard to give up something that you love dearly. But truthfully, it will be better for the bird.


I understood what you were saying from the beginning, but the Trolls that lurk in this group have nothing better to do than to make you feel worse than you already are. I'm sorry that you have to deal with these type of people, but in every crowd, there is always an idiot lurking somewhere.


I sincerely hope that everything works out, and that you have a Merry

Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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Guest zingo

Hi Tony, I read your post along with all others. I appreciate the advice from all and it seems that the best to do is never see him again. I can live with that (kinda). That is all I wanted to know, I want to do what is best for him.

I do just want to say though, since he has been given away, I went to the new home the one time only!! After the visit they offered me to come anytime that I wanted, they actually encouraged me to! They even offered me to come with friends if I wanted to see the bird or use their horses, they are extremely nice people as I saw from the one time I was up. Another thing I wanted to say is that from day 1 I was was not offered to take the bird, nor was anyone in the family......my mother was keeping him. She was going to take him and that was the last I knew until he was gone. I NEVER said that I would not take him....my whole family knew my mother was keeping him and she didn't consult with what anyone wanted before she gave him to a stranger.

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