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Birdy Buddies


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Hello all,


I posted an introduction a few months back, but since then, I have just been a forum lurker. I have a 4 1/2 month old baby TAG that I raised from 10 days on. I had a breeding pair, hoping to become a hobby breeder, but it had disasterous results. Little Archie was the only survivor of the clutch and then soon after his dad died.


Anyhoo, in addition to baby Archie I also have a White Capped Pionus(Zuki) and an 8 month old White Bellied Caique named Flip-who I also handfed. Zuki wants nothing to do with the younger birds and does her best to keep her distance. Flip and Archie on the other hand, are great buddies. For all intents and purposes, Archie has known Flip his entire life. (Flip used to love to help handfeed Archie) As mentioned, they get along great, but I am starting to worry this relationship may not be good for them. Any thoughts? I have never had two pet birds who got along, so this has never been an issue for me. They have seperate cages-in fact they dont even live in the same room. However, they do like to play every day and will call to one another throughout the day. I guess I am just wondering if this relationship will cause problems down the line as the boys get older.


Thanks for the help!


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Hi Amy, I think its great that Flip and Archie get along. I wish my ekkie and grey got along but my older ekkie barely tolerates younger Ana Grey. Several of our members have fids who are friends. Hopefully they will post on this thread and reassure you. Glad to hear from you by the way!

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