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Timneh or Congo?


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Hi guys,


I've been looking to get a grey now for some time & am doing as much research as possible to make the right decision which species to get.


A little about me would be helpful in gaining the right advise.


I'm going to be stay at home Dad soon as I have a baby girl of 14 weeks. My Fiancee will be going back to work in May after being off on maternity leave & I do have 10 years of experience of owning a parrot.


The new baby grey will mostly be my responsibility, I will cage clean, feed & socialise the bird mostly on my own, with Weekends being the only time my Fiancee will get involved properly due to the fact that she works long hours.


I have read about the difference in personalities between the Tag & Cag but would like some feedback from actual owners of both to hep me make a decision.


If it was down to looks alone I would pick the Congo as I prefer the colour & larger size but it can't just be about looks, if there is a real personality difference I need to take it into consideration.

I've read about Tags being calmer, less phobic with no single bonding problems etc.


Some real advise from real owners please as I have read so much but need some info from people who have lived with both Tag or Cag.


Post edited by: reggieroo, at: 2010/02/04 22:12


Post edited by: reggieroo, at: 2010/02/04 22:12<br><br>Post edited by: reggieroo, at: 2010/02/04 22:13

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Hi reggieroo, karma to you for researching about greys before becoming a grey parront. I can't help with the distinctions between CAGs and TAGs as I only have my sweet Tag Ana Grey. I will say that she is fearless and loves new things. Hopefully some of our other members can answer your questions. Welcome to the Grey Forum!

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My Congo is the sweetest most gentle bird I have ever known. I have had him since he was 9 weeks and he is a little over 11 weeks now...and he has just taken to me like I am his daddy. He behaves just like a little kid. I picked Congo because of the size factor and beauty. But as you know the Timneh's are quite similar in the beauty area. I love my big boy though, he is amazing and majestic.


Disposition wise, I have heard of no differences between the species. I think as far as personality goes...you;d be hard pressed to recognize a signifiacant difference.

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Well, if you've never had a grey before you need to understand that there's many more unknowns when getting a congo as opposed to a timneh. That has to do with personality, attention, bonding, nervousness, being leery of many things and the requirements of having one.

A TAG is more likely to take to more than one person in a family. Congos do the same thing but more work has to go into that with a congo.

Both can be very loving and both can be stubborn. A TAG takes to new things faster than a CAG. A TAG is more outgoing than a CAG but both can be outgoing but like I just said, it takes a longer time with a CAG. In general, TAGs are calmer than CAGs.


Even though there's loads of other things that can be said here, I'll give you my opinion which I find is most important--

You have a new baby in the house which needs a lot of attention.

You would be happier with a bird that will take to your wife much better since she's not there alot.

Both types of greys aren't fond of children but a TAG puts up with a lot more.


So, in your situation I would say Timneh. Talking isn't important. Color isn't important. Many people who have TAGs will tell you that a TAG is a very beautifully colored bird. I totally agree. Others will say that a CAG is a very beautifully colored bird.. I totally agree. Each has their own unique beauty and individuality. Beautiful color is in the eyes of the beholder. Size is minor. Most important--they can both love their owners.


Yes, I own both and have for years.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2010/02/05 00:50

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I've been speaking to a breeder who breeds both & she has said that its down to how you socialise them, that's the most important factor which I was thinking anyway.


I have also read so many different things on my journey of research it's making my head spin. People have told me that have had or do have both & the Cag for instance is less phobic than the Tag, just depends on the individual. like us they are all different & unique.


The breeder gave me something to think about, she said "follow your heart" & for some reason I always seem to be drawn to the Congo but then try to find a reason to get a Timneh. So it seems my head is saying Timneh & my heart is saying Congo.

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My advice - Let the Grey "Pick" you in your visits. Then the decision is left to which ever TAG or CAG selects you. :-)


I guarantee you, if you do this, the relationship with it is one that you may never build with one you just choose yourself.

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danmcq wrote:

My advice - Let the Grey "Pick" you in your visits. Then the decision is left to which ever TAG or CAG selects you. :-)


I guarantee you, if you do this, the relationship with it is one that you may never build with one you just choose yourself.


I can say so far that letting the Grey pick you is a great idea. the breeder I went to had a bunch of Congos and I held most all of them. But one wanted to nestle in the crook of my arm while I was sitting down. At that moment I said, "Yes, this is the one." He was only 7 weeks then. It's all such a great experience.

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luvparrots wrote:

Congratulations reggieroo, on joining the Grey Family! Can't wait to see some pictures of your new baby CAG. What name have you chosen for your new baby??


I can't decide on a name quite yet & I'm also waiting for the breeder to let me know the results of the DNA sexing. She says that I have a boy but need to wait for the results to be sure.


Also was thinking maybe I should wait till I get him before I name him, might be easier when I see his personality.

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Our Timgo (timneh/congo cross) and our Congo aren't much different in temperment... or.... wait... they're COMPLETELY different! lol


And I owe it to nothing but their individual personalities. Not their species.


Become a caregiver to the one that you think you should. Congo... Timneh... it's really silly to differentiate. It's like asking if you'll love the tall child or the small one more. really.

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