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OK,I'm the moderator, but this is your room!!! I'm sorry I haven't been around lately, but it's you good people who make this room what it is...Wheres "Owen"? and "Cooper"?, no one takes a shower any more? Sunny Bird? Nilah...Hay "Paddy", I guess your cameras are broke? These guest browse our room and see know new post's, what do they think?...I'm counting on you all, Amazon, Grey's and other bird owners who made this room what it is, Let's post....Jay

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Okay, Okay.....I've been extremely busy with work....and trying to repair the damage done to my woodwork that Rikki did when Nilah arrived. Rikki seems to have settled in, she was SO jealous of Nilah that she went on a rampage....and RUINED my doors and woodwork. I will get back here to this room this evening and have some videos of Nilah to post.

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Right Jay! As you know, I don't own an Amazon, but I LOVE this room and LOVE finding out about everything to do with them. So, from this moment forward, I am nominating myself as "Unofficial Amazon Room Moderator" in your absence! I might not have your technical powers as a moderator, but by goodness, I'll definitely have the pulling power!! Watch me go!!! :laugh:

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Thank you Jillybeanz, I appreciate the thought, I'm really not absent, and Maggie covers for me when needed. Maggie knows the direction I'm trying to take the room in...What I need from all of you, is Amazon post's...



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Did you know that Amazons really have no green feathers because they have no green pigment????????


The color of their green feathers comes from 2 other pigments which they have.





:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :laugh: :laugh: :whistle: :whistle: :cheer: :cheer: :woohoo: :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2010/02/04 23:36

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Probably Amazons are the most insecure birds in the parrot kingdom because they can't make up their minds about how to dress. Their color coordination is terrible. Who ever heard of a person wearing a yellow hat over a green dress with red makeup on their noses?? Only a transvestite goes that route!!!


More than likely, people who own amazons are very boring and Sunday dinner is usually a terrible experience.


Those people probably get more divorces because their other half is even more boring.


The children that live with these boring people usually develop strong desires to move out of their houses by the age of 7 yrs.


People who own amazons are usually in denial!!




LET"S GET IT ON!!!!!!!

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Oh Dave now stop that, I'm thinking of getting an older zon that has been at the pet shop for a while. You are going to make me paranoid!


Glad to hear from you Jay, I totally love this Amazon Room and it is because of the great posts and threads you provide. You are in need at home right now and I totally understand and will continue to pop into this room as I find it a very fun room because of you and Maggie!

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Janet, that's great, getting an older 'Zon. Remember, we are going into hormonal season...:ohmy: You won't be disappointed and you are a big part of this room!


Dave; why do you think I have a 'Zon???? And I thought green and red went together good! Got to get rid of that hat!:laugh:


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JillyBeanz wrote:

Right Jay! As you know, I don't own an Amazon, but I LOVE this room and LOVE finding out about everything to do with them. So, from this moment forward, I am nominating myself as "Unofficial Amazon Room Moderator" in your absence! I might not have your technical powers as a moderator, but by goodness, I'll definitely have the pulling power!! Watch me go!!! :laugh:


Jill, Dan & I are here as admin, we are able to pick up the slack if need be (although Jay is doing a fantastic job!). Also, I am in touch with Jay & Maggie every day. We have things under control, but Thank you for the "unofficial offer". If we need your help, your only a few rooms away....;) I think I know the way>:P

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Talon wrote:

Jill, Dan & I are here as admin, we are able to pick up the slack if need be (although Jay is doing a fantastic job!).


Indeed we are Penny. I am now monitoring CrAzy Jill's activity due to the apparent mental breakdown she is suffering again. :P


Jill does add some "Spice" when she has a set back. :P :p


I know I have full confidence and respect for Jay and Maggie in continuing the fine job they have done with this room. It is always a joy to read the posts here. :-)

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That depends on what she was wearing and who she was trying to impress. It doesn't take long for a female to find what she's looking for on the other side of the road. Anything will do. If the amazon was a male, then he was tired of that drab female amazon floozy who was crossing the road so he probably went to another side of the road to look for that alluring exciting person named Penny who had the reputation of dealing with amazons the right way. This woman Penny also dressed with class. She was color coordinated. He also knew she wasn't predjudiced.

So for him, satisfaction was guaranteed on Penny's side of the road. For him, the trip was worth it.

He knew that Dan and Penny would be there to welcome him with open arms no matter if it was day or night. He knew that Dan was a hugger. Also remember that there's always two sides to the road.

SO, that's the reason why the Amazon walked on the other side of the road.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2010/02/05 21:08

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I never knew the Amazon room would be so lively! My daughter has been after me to get her a bird and she has fallen in love with a lilac crowned amazon at the bird shop. Her reason for loving this bird, she's so brilliantly colored and will go with anything Sarah determines to wear that day. Of course Sarah has a tendency to change her hair color weekly so an Amazon would probably fit her personality perfectly. It's not unlike her to wear green and red and purple all at the same time!


Robin<br><br>Post edited by: rbpittman, at: 2010/02/05 23:49

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