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Spock's Update !!!


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Spock's holding his own, he's whistling and talking at daybreak again although he is still not putting on any weight and his breasts and crop are quite sunken. He stays with Maggie and I constantly. Through out the day, we take Spock to a different room so we can give attention to our other fids so they don't become stressed. Salsa plays and eats and doesn't seem to be too concerned. Freddy and Tango seem to live in their own world but all three of these call out when they want attention or something picked up that they threw on the floor. Spock is still flock-leader..he doesn't mind us giving the others attention...he stays on our shoulder.

Joey, our older CAG is always calm. He'll call out to Spock, "Spock, come here". Spock will fly over to within a couple of feet from him and they will talk to each other and touch beaks. At 8:30 to 9pm every night, Spock flys over to his cage and want to go to bed and be covered. At the dimming of the lights, that is Joey's cue to fly over and sit with us on the couch for his attention. It is also time for one on one with Freddy, Tango and Salsa (one at a time of course).

(We forgot to mention that in the last few weeks, Spock has bitten off all of his red tail feathers.)

Spock's Treatment:

Since the discovery of Spock's illness, he has been receiving a combination of both conventional and holistic treatments. As you know, most vets lately have gone this route. The conventional treatment includes antibiotics and tests. Holistic treatment is basically diet, consisting mostly of vegetables and some herbs that compliment each other in the absorption of nutrients into the body. He's given probiotics to counter any destructive action from the antibiotics. He is receiving high protein and good fats and foods with high calcium and D levels. He is getting some nuts including sunflower and safflower seeds in small portions (more than normal). His mash is heavy with rice, grains, legumes, cilantro (to aid in any heavy metal removal), milk thistle, dandelion and aloe vera juice for detox of the liver. Everything that he is being fed is in extremely small portions and bird-safe. We are also feeding him leafy vegetables, high in beta carotene, eggs and he has a treat of a little rice milk with 6 or 7 cheerios. It sounds funny when all this is mixed up and given to him, he only eats a teaspoon or two at a time. After all this, he still gets his small amount of organic peanut butter with palm oil in the morning to start his day...

This conglomeration was researched and designed by Maggie and I, a veterinarian, and our C.A.S. and the hardest thing is giving him his shot.

We will keep everyone posted. We thank you all. I think your prayers are working.

Jay and Maggie (And Spock)


P.S. What we have written above is "not" a recommendation or even a suggestion for some one to use with out checking with a vet !!!<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/04 02:41

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That is an impressive regimen you have designed for Spock and if anything brings him thru this difficult time in his life it will be just that.


I don't think there is any doubt that you are doing all you can for Spock and if it is meant for him to get over this then he will and I do believe he will. He has your and Maggie's undying love and the support of everyone on this forum.


I continue to pray for him and will until he is all better and thanks for the update on Spock.

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Jayd wrote:

:ohmy: Talk about hard, that's giving Spock his shots, he squirms, wiggles, screams and Bites, then ignores me...:( Jay


Poor Spock! I know it wrenches your heart to have do to what is "Best" for Spock. He doesn't understand it, but the bottom line is, it is for his health and well being.


Keep up the great work Jay and know that your all in our thoughts and prayers.

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Not a real good report today, he's not singing or talking much today, his weights down even though he eats like a pig...Last night he weighed 474 after eating 30cc's, and he was down to 446 grams today, down 10 grams from usual...For breakfast he ate, 1 1/2tbs smash + 1tbs Orzo pasta. [heaping] The reason I'm reporting like this is so you we'll all be aware of possible ailments and there symptom...


Thank you all...:)

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Jay and Maggie, you are such an inspiration with the lengths you are willing to go to do what it takes to lovingly care for Spock and for all the research and vet care. This is a rough time for you and I hope it helps to know how much we care and that we are sending all our prayers and wishes for the best.

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