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10 year old CAG


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We have a 10 year old CAG. He's been with us since July 10th.

He is great with my husband but seems to hate me. When I get near his cage or his toys it looks like he might attack me.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get Capricorn to like me?



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No, I'm not afraid.


Capricorn sways from side to side with his head pointed down and sometimes it looks as if he may fly at me. However, he's a lot better when my husband isn't around. For example, he'll take food/toys from me nicely. When my husband is there he will take food/toys roughly.



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He definitely likes your hubby more and being that he is 10 years old, I'd say he looks to him as his mate. He tolerates you more if your hubby is not around. Some greys will be like this, like one sex over another, so do not be afraid of him, he just prefers your hubby and there is not much you can do to make it any different, you just may have to accept him on his terms.:ohmy:

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Hi Donna, Welcome! Give Capricorn time, he's still adjusting. Show no fear or hesitation towards him. Try bringing a treat every time you go near him. Keep us posted.

Glad you have joined our family, and I look forward to seeing and hearing more! Don't forget the photos! We love em!! :cheer:

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Welcome to the forum, Donna, I think I forgot to say that, I don't like to miss anyone. Give him some time and he may warm up to you more but if he doesn't then you will just have to accept that.


Try the tricks that Talon mentioned, giving him a treat or something he likes to try to associate good things with your presence, it may work.:cheer:

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I will give the treat thing a try. Thanks everyone, I will keep you posted on our progress.

One more thing, we also have Henry, a 4 mos. old CAG. Henry tries to be friendly but Capricorn's eyes pin and he gets aggressive. Does anyone think he will warm up a bit to Henry?

Thanks again.

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Welcome Donna,


Only time will be able to answer this question.


As Capricorn becomes accustom to his new home and social network, his true personality will slowly emerge.


How close are their cages? When both are outside of them, how are their postures, inquisitive or aggressive?

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So far, today was the best day I had with Capricorn. I gave him a treat or toy every time I went near him. Half the time he was rough while taking it but the other half he was gentle. I didn't react as much (it's kind of difficult not to pull back). This is just day one! I will continue this and we'll see what happens. Also, he said in my voice, "are you being a good boy today?" Does this mean anything?

Thanks for all the advice.

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Sorry Dan,

Their cages are about 3 ft. apart. Henry flies to Capricorn's cage and the chase is on! My husband intervenes before anything happens. Capricorn doesn't pay much attention to Henry when I'm not around but when I'm there, Capricorn doesn't seem to like anyone or anything.

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Hi dleesmitee,


If I am following your posts correctly, you just got Capricorn 4 weeks ago and you have a 4 month old CAG.


If I could ask for a little more information?


How long have you had Henry?


Under what circumstances did you adopt Capricorn?


Does Capricorn step up for your husband and interact with him?


Do you spend most your time with your new baby Henry?


You have really jumped into CAG ownership with both feet :-)

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Dan I wanted to know the same questions.I am now owned by 5 Greys(2 timnehs,3 Congos)all different ages adopted

at different times.As well as a flock of other birds.

All the Greys came from a single bird home.The last two I adopted within the last 2 months have taken a liking to each other.My Birds are definately different they tolerate my husband and love me.He doesn't interact with

them as much as he should.He has admitted to being afraid of them due to the fact they often bite him.


My suggestion interact more with Capricorn when hubby is

not around chances are you will build a closer bond with

him.As far as Henry and Capricorn becoming friends it's possible.So far all my Greys get along it hasn't always been that way.As for my other birds that's a different story.

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Sasha, that is a lot of greys from the same home, what happened that you have them now?


You have your hands full with 5 greys and you also have other birds as well, you are busy. MrSpock gave us some good information on having more than 1 grey, keeping the first bird as No 1 bird as it will always be first in everything, first out of cage, first fed, and so forth. He says it sets the pecking order in the flock and they get along better this way.

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judygram wrote:

Sasha, that is a lot of greys from the same home, what happened that you have them now?


You have your hands full with 5 greys and you also have other birds as well, you are busy. MrSpock gave us some good information on having more than 1 grey, keeping the first bird as No 1 bird as it will always be first in everything, first out of cage, first fed, and so forth. He says it sets the pecking order in the flock and they get along better this way.


No Judy You misread my post.They all came from different homes at different times.Yes my hands are full

but I have my whole day to devote to them because I am a stay at home animal mom.My hubby doesn't mind and he helps out.As long as they're all happy.Each of their situations are different.And I love all of them.

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You are so right, Sasha, I did misread your post, you meant they came from a single bird home, each of them, not all five from the same household. Thats how these posts can be misinterpreted according to how you read the words written.


Then this makes it even more amazing that they do get along when they were used to being an only bird. You have done a wonderful job then if they do get along and I commend you for what you have accomplished. Maybe you can tell us how you have made it work for you and your birds, it might benefit some of the members here with multiple bird households.


Thanks for clarifying that for me, put a "kick me" sign on my back.:ohmy:

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Yes Judy I will share someday with everyone.I still don't have it mastered with the rest of the birds.

Though I do have quite a few that do get along with one another.I've had them from 1 month to 10 years.I had to start over when 3 years ago someone stole all my birds except for my Senegal.Ever since then the birds that needed homes more or less fell into my lap.And now there

are 20.

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xxbeccyxx wrote:

you sound like you're doing a wonderful job sasha rescueing those birds. more people should be lke you.


Oh Thank You Beccy.


I'm hoping that more people will jump on the ban wagon

there are just too many birds being surrendered abandoned and abused out there.And there aren't too many

people willing to open up their hearts and homes to them.I'm very fortunate to have finally met a loving husband who understands my love for the animals we have.

If there's a need out there and we can take it in we usually do.Though we are coming to our limit.So more people need to step up to the plate.We're not funded by no 501 funding either this is on our own.

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