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Prince our 'Tiel moved on...


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Been a bad week, Spock sick, and last night we lost Prince, one of our oldest 'tiel's. He was a Cinnamon pied lutino, very friendly and a good father, his mate is Princess, a Lutino, and we have one of their boys..It appears he fell or crashed during "night fright", most all our birds are flighted...Going to miss him...

Jay and Maggie

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Oh I'm soo sorry Jay and Maggie. You are having a real trying time. How awful for you. It's bad enough having to cope with Spocks illness, but now to lose poor little Prince aswell....Is his mate missing him terribly?

I do hope things start to look better for Spock soon - you are due a little sunshine.


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It doesn't matter how big or how small - these are our family members. I broke my heart when I had to help my tiel over rainbow bridge last year - and now I'm happy - he'll have made a little friend in Prince and Spiky will be showing him the way.


I am so sorry to you both ~ you must have cores of steel to be coping with all this - you are both so strong, and so focused with all your problems at the moment. Don't worry about Prince - he's being looked after :kiss:

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