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Newbie to a grey, Beak Banging


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I have just recently gotten An African Grey Congo, Igor. This bird is 1 1/2 years old, a real sweetheart, I got her from a breeder, knowing that she was a nervous one, with a tendency to pluck a little off her chest, she did pluck a little the first few days home, but my husband and I did everything we could to help her feel as loved and secure as we could, and she seems to have stopped and to be adjusting quite fine. I have been trying to read as much as I can on parrot training, and "people" training, lol. But I haven't come across beak banging in any of my books, Should I be concerned? The first time my Igor did this she was playing ontop of her cage, I heard this banging, and looked to see it was Igor, so I put her on her playgym, and it stopped, this morning I noticed the same, but I gave it a few mins, and Igor stopped and then moved to play with something, Is this just playing? boredom or something I should be concerned with, I wouldn't want my sweetie to hurt herself, but I also do not want to interrupt something that is natural for her to be doing.

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I had a lori who would do that all the time! just sit there and bang, bang, bang...I think he did it because he liked the nose. Now, Jasper our grey, beak wipes on his bowl...even when he doesn't have a messy face...


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you're ok :) She might just like the sound?!?

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Welcome Angiepi!!!


It's GreYt having you here. :-)


Jingles is right.


They do love to bang their beaks, bells and throw anything to the floor that makes LOUD crashing sounds. They thoroughly enjoy it.


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Welcome to Greydom Angelpi. Is that your name or your parrots ? :)

This is quite normal behaviour. Misty my grey loves to bang his beak on a glass tumbler when I offer it to him. He would also love to "bink" wine bottles that I had put on top of my fridge. I had to stop that when he started to knock them over.

He has a brass hand bell that he love to ring with his beak as well. I hang it from his tree perch.


Steve n Misty

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I agree it is normal behavior. Whisper will bang her beak on the wall when she is on top of the shower curtain all the while saying " No, no, stop it, stop it." She likes to give things a good thrashing every now and then. :laugh:

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