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Juno's Quilt


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How gorgeous that turned out...I'm sure that Juno was right there on your shoulder encouraging you all the way...and now he is as free as a bird could be...bless you for this wonderful work of art. What a wonderful tribute to his life...


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  • 5 months later...

Hi everyone, I let the quilt go on to find it's purpose. A national aviculture group is looking into logistics and legalities for putting it up for raffle with all income going to research on PDD. They are estimating for it to be online in the next couple of months and I will let you know. This has taken a long time and is going to be a lot bigger than I had originally hoped. I really was looking for a fitting and lasting tribute to our little guy Juno, gone too soon. I am already working to do one just as well, or better for Kopi. It has been really important to me to find a way to turn our loss from tears to cheers. I still have a long way to go on that, but thanks to all of you for caring and encouraging me along the way. We just never know where tomorrow will take us.

Edited by katana600
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Thank you Howardine, that just made my day. I have to keep finding ways to overcome the sadness of losing both these wonderful little guys way too soon. I have to admit, I do cry a little every time I think of them but I do believe life has a purpose for each of us and I have to find the purpose of why this came to me at the time it has. When I do have tears it is for my own loss, I have a solid feeling that I did everything I could to take good care of Juno and Kopi and I loved our time together. The quilt was a way for me to focus on moving forward and stretching myself to try something I had never done before with pattern and techniques I would not have had the nerve to try except I wanted it to be wonderful as a tribute to Juno. As Kopi was near me he was urging me to "come on" and "step up", LOL. It brings me such great joy and comfort to hear nice things about the quilt and know that other people find it special too. It really is a heart song to say to my boy Juno how much I loved him and I wanted to bring encouragement to the researchers trying to find answers about PDD that will give us hope for the future. It will be harder to do the next one for Kopi but when the time is right, it will come to life on its own. I have learned so much from the people on the forum and from our experience together. I appreciate my little Java and give her time and attention and every now and again when I least expect it and need it most, she will make a "grey sound" and bring me a smile. These little creatures are awesome with the connection they make to our souls.

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  • 1 month later...

I just got the word that all the hurdles have been cleared and the quilt raffle has begun. Every penny will go to research. I would love to know someone from this forum be the lucky winner. Of course that would be a bonus because I think we already are lucky to have birds in our lives and friends here to share with us their love of birds. Thanks for everyone for your encouragement. I would never have had the confidence to start a quilt and put so much work into it without feeling so strongly that something has to make a difference and this was a good place to start. http://asabirds.org/pddquilt.htm

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I printed me off some tickets and plan to enter this raffle as I would LOVE to have that quilt, not only is it a beautiful piece of work but it holds such memories and it was made by one of our endearing members, thanks Dee for sharing the link to getting tickets, I hope it sells millions.

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I wish for every person on this forum who has stepped up for their own birds every day there is a quilt of love to cover you every time you lay down your head at the end of the day. I think of the researchers that have worked tirelessly for decades trying to find an answer. When they discover a small contribution, a drop in the bucket really, comes to them it may encourage them they will try, try again when they don't know what to do and for them to strive to combat any illness that threatens our flock. Quietly they search while quietly we struggle with the sadness of losing our birds. If this gives a light, a spark of inspiration, this could be the day that a discovery is made.

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It was made by the contributions of many for a purpose to benefit many. When the suggestion was made to start this quilt, I had no idea where it was going to go. It took me ten years to pick colors for the first one. Every time I was in fear that I couldn't do it, I had so much support that it was just one stitch after the next. I found the resources to teach me what I needed to learn, I found the fabrics in a lot of places from all over the world. I made new friends in the process and it healed my loss. Little did I know it would happen a second time, so I hope to be able to do another one for Kopi. Now, I am in the process of finding another bird to share the next step of the journey. We just never know where life will take us, we just have to be willing to try. I am glad you like it, it does mean a lot to me that this forum was my first welcome to African greys, my guidance, my solace and will continue to be a part of my life. Thank you all so much.

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