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Hissy fits???


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I've noticed sometimes that my grey will get into a frenzy. He will act as if he is scared of something and yell and then fly hysterically about until he at some point decides to crash into a window or land on the floor. I am not sure what triggers this. There is no sudden movements, noise to provoke this and I am generally near him when he does this. Or he is sitting undisturbed on my shoulder.


Is this normal behaviour? or is it just one of my bird's idiosyncrasies? or should I perhaps call an exorcist?

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One feather did fall off yesterday. But if that's contingent with his fits, I am not sure.

However, he did express similar behaviour, when a friend of mine gently touched his tail. He hates that and usually grunts, but has accepted that I do it. But my friend was hissed at, then he screamed and flew off.

The behaviour is very random. So not sure what's causing it, or if the bird is just a nutter which I don't mind :laugh:

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Flight feathers & tail feathers are painfull when new ones are coming through its like you having an ingrowing toenail so when touched or knocked they hurt the feathers wont all come at once so it will take time so if this is the problem try not to touch the wings or tail and keep an eye on any old feathers if they appear then i think this is whats going on

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I grew up with a grey in the house. He's an older gentleman of 32 years, and he doesn't do anything like this. If he did it when he was a chick, I don't know.

The first time I experienced it he was flying over my head screaming big time. I was confused as to what he was scared of.

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Hehe, yes Alfie has hissy fits regularly, although not as frequently as she used to! It's the funniest of things to watch - I was quite alarmed the first time I saw it though, and posted the subject on here to see if it was normal!! Apparantly it is!!:laugh:

See "poplular posts" below - there are some funny stories!<br><br>Post edited by: pearllyn, at: 2010/02/03 20:20

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