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Just introducing myself and my parrot. My name is Sarah and I have been a proud parrot owner for two weeks now. His name is Whiskey Johnny, and we mostly call him Whiskey, but Johnny slips out every now and again too. He is five months old and sweet as sugar. Can't wait to spend the next 60 years together! :-) He is already mimicking whistles and clicks. He barks like a puppy too. I love listening to him try to make new sounds. He is a really fascinating creature.

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Hello Sarah and welcome to our family, you are gonna love it here.


That is an unusual name but I like it a lot, not a name you hear every day.


Yes you have embarked on the journey of a lifetime and though it may be like a roller coaster at times it will be enjoyable and worth every minute.


Do read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We love pictures here so if you have some of Whiskey you would share with us that would be great.

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Welcome Sarah and Whiskey Johnny! What a fab name!!! I tried to psychoanalyse the name and got it so, so wrong!!! I thought celtic would either be Scottish or Irish and then narrowed it down precisely to the fact that Whiskey was involved - definitely Scottish!!! HOW WRONG WAS I!!!


Nothing to do with parrots - but I love the little ones doing Irish dancing!!! ;)

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Actually, my username comes from my dance school name, the Celtic Dance Academy. So it IS Irish...but Whiskey comes from a song the my husband sings called Nancy Whiskey, and another one called Jenny Grey's Whisky and a little ditty that a friend of mine likes called Whiskey Johnny. The songs are Irish, Scottish AND English :-)


Since we have not had him sexed, we decided that Whiskey is a nice, Gender neutral name. He just seems male to me, so the Johnny part stuck. If we ever find out that "he" is a "she"...Whisky Jenny works fine too and sounds almost the same!

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