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Massachusetts: TAG and CAG Breeders


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Hi Everyone,

I'm starting the process of visiting breeders/ bird stores and such. This serves two purposes for me: getting to be around both Grey species a bit more and also exploring all options. Recommended breeders have my priority of course.


Do any of you have recommendations or know of any breeders in the New England area (preferably MA where I live)?


I'd love to add breeders to my list :)

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pattertwig, I live in Western MA


You won't find any breeders in New England. I have done the research a few years ago. I bought my first grey from a breeder in Florida and had her shipped to me. You might find one in the Springfield area, they were one or two, but usually their birds were sold before they hatched.

Best of luck to you, and if I can be of any assistance, please feel free to pm me. Have you considered a rescue? There are many out their who need their forever homes.

In the meantime, please read all you can here so you know what you are in for in owning a grey. Welcome to our family!

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Thanks luvparrots. I took a look at that site and emailed some people.


Talon wrote:

pattertwig, I live in Western MA


You won't find any breeders in New England. I have done the research a few years ago. I bought my first grey from a breeder in Florida and had her shipped to me. You might find one in the Springfield area, they were one or two, but usually their birds were sold before they hatched.

Best of luck to you, and if I can be of any assistance, please feel free to pm me. Have you considered a rescue? There are many out their who need their forever homes.

In the meantime, please read all you can here so you know what you are in for in owning a grey. Welcome to our family!


Thanks for replying! Did you get to pick out your baby? Or were you just given a baby at random since it was so far away? Did you go down there to see them?


Yes, I did find a few in the Springfield area, but there are some near the south shore/north shore areas I think. Not all have contacted me yet. A few have contacted me, but some no longer breed, and some have changed their contact info (so I never got in contact with them). I really don't mind waiting until next year if I decide a Grey is for me, even if I can't find any or don't find a good match.


That's funny you mention rescues..one breeder said she no longer breeds, but she has two surrenders she was willing to have me come visit (females). I will probably stop by to see them, at the very least just to spend more time with Greys and ask her questions. I'm open to whatever may happen though :) I've read that introducing things like harnesses and traveling can prove to be impossible, or at the very least challenging. If a rescue I click with turns up, and we mesh well, I would consider it, but I think I'm gearing more towards a baby due to my specific needs and so I can know it's history. Then again, and adult bird has more of a set personality compared to a baby...

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My Dixie was a year and 2 months when I got her, and while it's taken some time to get her to allow certain things, this has been a matter of building trust with her as opposed to her having a set personality. We have been working on the harness and have met with great success on the matter - but only after having established the trust. I was fortunate in not having a predetermined mind of having a baby grey, I wanted a grey that I could connect with and that was Dixie, she choose me over 3 much younger (3 month olds) greys. Her independence and self-assuredness made me more confident as a grey owner. I do have a baby grey - he's 7 months old, and he has been through the ringer so to say - and we are very bonded, but that doesn't mean that he won't choose someone else in the house to attach to at some point in the future. Even for Dixie, she loves me to death, as long as my husband is on the road with his job, but the minute he comes home, I don't exist! Gotta love these Grey's! I wish you luck in your quest for the grey that is right for you.



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pattertwig wrote:

Thanks luvparrots. I took a look at that site and emailed some people.


Talon wrote:

pattertwig, I live in Western MA


You won't find any breeders in New England. I have done the research a few years ago. I bought my first grey from a breeder in Florida and had her shipped to me. You might find one in the Springfield area, they were one or two, but usually their birds were sold before they hatched.

Best of luck to you, and if I can be of any assistance, please feel free to pm me. Have you considered a rescue? There are many out their who need their forever homes.

In the meantime, please read all you can here so you know what you are in for in owning a grey. Welcome to our family!


Thanks for replying! Did you get to pick out your baby? Or were you just given a baby at random since it was so far away? Did you go down there to see them?


Yes, I did find a few in the Springfield area, but there are some near the south shore/north shore areas I think. Not all have contacted me yet. A few have contacted me, but some no longer breed, and some have changed their contact info (so I never got in contact with them). I really don't mind waiting until next year if I decide a Grey is for me, even if I can't find any or don't find a good match.


That's funny you mention rescues..one breeder said she no longer breeds, but she has two surrenders she was willing to have me come visit (females). I will probably stop by to see them, at the very least just to spend more time with Greys and ask her questions. I'm open to whatever may happen though :) I've read that introducing things like harnesses and traveling can prove to be impossible, or at the very least challenging. If a rescue I click with turns up, and we mesh well, I would consider it, but I think I'm gearing more towards a baby due to my specific needs and so I can know it's history. Then again, and adult bird has more of a set personality compared to a baby...


I di not pick out my baby. I was sent many pictures and updates about her. I was actually buying her for my 16 year old son who had researched greys and had been asking for 3 years. I was pretty desperate to find him one for xmas and I had done very little research on them. My son now is 20 and lives with his father. I kept the bird :)


I did rescue another grey that was 2 1/2 years old. I am her third and final home. She has adapted very well to us and has taken to our family as well.


I know you want to see if you "click" with the bird before you purchase one, but with greys, that will be almost impossible to tell in just a few visits I think. They are very reserved and don't allow just anyone to see their true personality until you have bonded with them and earned their trust. That takes time, even with a baby......just something to think about. Best of luck to you! Please keep us updated, we are happy to help anyway you can.


Too bad you didn't post a few months ago,....I have a bird lady nearby who had a grey from another person who was looking for a forever home......she didn't care about $$ only a good safe home.

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I hope the following is OK, I've had migraines the past few days and my brain is still in a fog lol


rbpittman wrote:



My Dixie was a year and 2 months when I got her, and while it's taken some time to get her to allow certain things, this has been a matter of building trust with her as opposed to her having a set personality. We have been working on the harness and have met with great success on the matter - but only after having established the trust. I was fortunate in not having a predetermined mind of having a baby grey, I wanted a grey that I could connect with and that was Dixie, she choose me over 3 much younger (3 month olds) greys. Her independence and self-assuredness made me more confident as a grey owner. I do have a baby grey - he's 7 months old, and he has been through the ringer so to say - and we are very bonded, but that doesn't mean that he won't choose someone else in the house to attach to at some point in the future. Even for Dixie, she loves me to death, as long as my husband is on the road with his job, but the minute he comes home, I don't exist! Gotta love these Grey's! I wish you luck in your quest for the grey that is right for you.




I bet that makes getting Dixie's attention and love extra special. :) lol Thank you for sharing your experiences with getting an older (but still young) Grey and a baby Grey.


What made you get a baby grey after getting the older gal by the way?


Talon wrote:



I did not pick out my baby. I was sent many pictures and updates about her. I was actually buying her for my 16 year old son who had researched greys and had been asking for 3 years. I was pretty desperate to find him one for xmas and I had done very little research on them. My son now is 20 and lives with his father. I kept the bird :)


I did rescue another grey that was 2 1/2 years old. I am her third and final home. She has adapted very well to us and has taken to our family as well.


I know you want to see if you "click" with the bird before you purchase one, but with greys, that will be almost impossible to tell in just a few visits I think. They are very reserved and don't allow just anyone to see their true personality until you have bonded with them and earned their trust. That takes time, even with a baby......just something to think about. Best of luck to you! Please keep us updated, we are happy to help anyway you can.


Too bad you didn't post a few months ago,....I have a bird lady nearby who had a grey from another person who was looking for a forever home......she didn't care about $$ only a good safe home.


Ohh OK. Well that's nice you got pictures and updates. :) At least with babies, you have nature vs. nurture on your side. There are pluses to older Greys too though and adoption as you have both made apparent. I will definitely keep what you said in mind.


haha bird lady. That just sounds funny. I hope that bird found a good home :) Where did it end up going to? That's when you can tell people care. Even if it was free, I probably wouldn't have taken it because it would have been too soon! I've still not even made my mind up yet and look at all of the questions I'm asking lol I would certainly have to be a big pain and visit an older bird a few times before making the plunge...maybe I am being too cautious about all of this?



Thanks for everyone who has posted so far! I think it's great to get examples and perspectives/experiences from both sides, teamed with research, to get a good well-rounded understanding.


Another question outt of left field....


...when do you all consider a grey to be a true adult (mentally, horomonally etc)?<br><br>Post edited by: pattertwig, at: 2010/02/06 02:54

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My getting Beau was one of those things I guess. He was already "owned" by someone and then got sick. He hadn't left the bird store yet. The owner's didn't want a sick bird, he had plucked his chest and back and was starting on his wing. I didn't care that he wasn't "perfect" and if I had not had the experience with Dixie, I would not have had the confidence to bring Beau home. He's doing exceptionally well now, flights growing back in, chest and back now covered in feathers, and quite the snuggle bunny. I didn't know that they could snuggle to you, that wasn't part of my desire to have a grey as a companion. I preferred the "three year old mindset" since I get along great with 3 year olds...lol. It was a blessing in disguise to get Beau, because as much as Dixie has taught me in caring for him, Beau has brought me closer to Dixie in recognizing her special abilities and letting her present them!



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