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So, Vree had his second acupuncture session last Friday and both the vet and the acupuncturist felt that he overall looked better and they definitely noticed and increase in his strength! He also had gained back the majority of the weight he has lost!! So I was really happy to see the weight gain :) He is still climbing about his cage and looking stronger every day. I also notice him trying to stand up more in the past day or so. We do his physical therapy exercises every night (I call it birdie-cize) and I have purchased some foam to pad his cage and tub so that he is more supported as the vet recommended it based on how he looked last Friday.


We go for a third session this Friday and I am excited to continue to see more improvement!! I am so proud of Vree and his never ending cheerfulness despite his current disability!

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This is such good news to hear, he is amazing me with his determination to do what he is meant to do, be a bird and do it cheerfully, you must be so proud of him.


What a wonderful parront you are to Vree, he is lucky to have you and thanks for keeping us up to date on him.

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Vree is a poster child for overcoming adversity. I believe his cheerfulness and drive to overcome the odds is directly attributed to your care and the lengths you have gone to giving him the best care and understanding and encouragement. Your work and Vree's improvement are inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

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So Vree has now had his third acupuncture treatment. It went well, in fact he was so relaxed his eyes kept shutting like he was going to fall asleep! One of his legs is really splaying out to the side so the vet decided to try taping his legs together to try to correct it. He likes trying to chew the tape off so I have had to replace it once already! He is such a good patient...I laid him on his back, cut the old tape off and quietly re-taped his legs and he didn't fuss a bit!!!!! I was SOOOOO proud of him :)


He is still enjoying climbing in his cage and I took a couple pictures of him climbing but they'll have to wait for later as I need to upload them.

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As soon as I saw your post I had to dash on over and have a looksey! I'm so glad that Vree's acupuncture treatments are helping so much. Vree is such a good grey to be so calm and helpful in his treatment. He knows you are doing everything possible to help him and he understands. What trust and love he must find in you and in return is cooperating because he knows you have his best interests at heart. Karma coming your way for your great love for your grey! You are a great parront!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry I have not updated in awhile...it is breeding season with my horses which among other things has kept me very busy! Vree is about the same. He still can not stand but he climbs very well around his cage. I have a couple toys positioned so that he can reach them while on the side of his cage and he enjoys that. He has figured out that if he eliminates while on the side of his cage it does not mess his feathers which I think is very smart of him! lol We've not done more acupuncture beyond the 3 treatments that were initially recommended simply because I have been to busy to schedule anything and especially since even if I did schedule something if a mare needed to go to the vet for breeding work I would have to cancel anyway! His appetite has been great and he has been maintaining a steady weight that is the same as before his accident.


So not the most exciting of updates but he is doing good :)

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Vree is learning to fend for himself and adjusting nicely, Kathryn. He certainly is a very smart little guy! I pray he continues get better and better. Life can be very busy Kathryn we can all understand that. Thank you for keeping us updated.

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Awww, bless him - what does the future hold for Vree? Is this something he will just have to live with? Poor little baby - but hats off to you - he is lucky that he has such a caring, loving owner! Well done, and thanks for keeping us in mind - we do really like to hear how he is doing :)

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Thanks for the update on Vree. It is wonderful you and he both have such a positive attitude regarding this handicap.


He is happy and learning to deal with the limitations. AS you said, he is highly intelligent and is figuring out solutions to issues he encounters as they arise.


Many parrots with handicaps are owned, loved deeply and enjoy a wonderful life in the homes providing all they need.


Kudos to you for making his life rich and enjoyable. :)

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