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So we are back from the vets...Vree has lost some weight and is deficient in some proteins...they were running an analysis when we left. I have recently switched him to Harrison's and the vet gave me some physical therapy instructions and said that hopefully his appetite will improve if he is allowed to do more. We will be gong back tomorrow for acupuncture. So hopefully that will help.


I had been feeling encouraged by the progress I've been seeing at home but our check up made me feel less so.... we'll see how tomorrow goes...

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Kathryn do not be discouraged that his weight has dropped some and the vet should be able to tell you what you should be feeding him to get the nutrients he needs, a setback but one that can be remedied so keep an optimistic mind about it.


I am not familiar with acupuncture but it might help, hope it all goes well and please keep us updated on Vree, he is a fighter.

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You have brought Vree such a long way in four weeks. The pictures of him are just precious. His attitude is so good, it doesn't seem like he is suffering and you have just been wonderful with him. I love that he rolls over and is his happy little self. I hope he continues to have improvement while you and Vree encourage one another. Blessings on both of you.

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Thanks for the update Kathryn. Sorry to hear you were a little down after the vets visit. Vree is bound to have lost some weight though so that might not be as bad as it seems. Stay positive and concentrate on Vree's excercises. Hopefully they, and the acupunture will help to heal.


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Keep up the good work you have gotten him past the worst part now the therapy and diet changes will give you something new to work with. I know that the love and care you have shared with Vree have brought him this far and now you have more tools to work with in order to restore him to the best outcome, stay positive!

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Thank you all for your continuing encouragement! The acupuncture went well today. The vet seemed pleased with how well Vree did and said I could look for improvement 24 hours after the treatment. We have another treatment scheduled for the 12th. Vree is currently climbing around his cage and having a good time :) I am crossing my fingers for some big improvement tomorrow!

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Well this does sound encouraging if Vree is climbing around his cage, he must be feeling better and moving around more is good. Its interesting that acupuncture has helped him but if it does truly work then I will be the first to believe it. Let us know how he is tomorrow and it doesn't have to be a big improvement, just think in terms of small steps.

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Hooray for Vree to be climbing already. Great news. I have been thinking of him day and night how your care has been so inspiring. Just to see his happy little face while he was laying on his back, it is easy to see that he is in the best hands. I am so happy that you have had progress. Thanks so much for sharing your good news.

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So Vree's bloodwork that was sent off came back today and everything was normal! Yay! He hass not been as active today but I really think his right foot is stronger then it was before the acupuncture...it is slight but I don't think I am imagining it. So we'll keep hoping for more progress!


And when I say climbing it is certainly nothing quick and smooth but he can climb from the bottom of his cage to the top! Usually he just kind of hangs there when he gets to the top and I put him back down to the bottom but it is improvement :)

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I have a friend who has rescued a Grey that has some physical disabilities. I gotta tell you, this is one of the happiest birds I have ever seen. Due to the problems that the bird has, my friend has decided to keep it clipped, but boy can she whistle! She learns entire songs in just a matter of a day or two and then repeats them back flawlessly. She won't talk in front of anyone, but what a chatterbox when she thinks nobody is listening.


I really hope that Vree makes a FULL recovery, but even with some disabilities, these birds can still live fantastice, happy lives!


I continue to pray for a full recovery1

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kdk, Vree is doing just great, with an injury such as his I feel that steady progress is a sure sign that he is mending. Everything that you say are all good signs and there is probably still some way to go before you can assume he is fully recovered or recovered as well as he will. Even (taking into account what Xtreme has said) if he doesn't improve further and his movements are resticted he can still live a fulfilling life. He is doing well though and there is no reason to believe he won't go on to make a full recovery.


Wishing you and Vree all the luck in the world for a full recovery and lots of beaky cuddles to Vree.

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Good News! Previously Vree had just been climbing up to the top of his cage and then I would pick him up and put him on the bottom of the cage when it was obvious he wasn't going to move anymore. I just saw him climb up to the top, and then around a corner, across one side and then lift his beak off the cage several times, therefore supporting himself just with his feet!!!!! Then he climbed around another corner, across another side and then he climbed slowly down to the bottom!!! So I can't help but feel this is a good sign and he is gaining more control of his feet!!! YAY! :)

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That is sooo great to hear!!! Sounds like Vree is making a slow but sure recovery. I can't tell you how happy I am for the both of you. I can't imagin what it is like having to go through something so dramatic for the both of you.


Thoughts and prayers are with the both of you.


Keep on climbin' Vree!!!

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