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Broken back?


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What a cute photo photo. :-)


It is wonderful to hear that leg and talon operation are starting to take place. I wish the best to you both and hope that the health will return so you can indeed have vree perching on your hand once again.


Thank you for keeping this updated.

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It really means a lot to me how many of you have been keeping up with me and Vree as he continues to heal. He was very pleased when I got the Harrison's pellets in as he seems to enjoy those much more then his old ones! I am trying to let him spend more time out of his tub when possible as he is calmer on my lap on a towel sometimes then in his tub. I am using dish towels to line his tub and he is really enjoying tearing holes in them :( but I am happy he feels up to destroying anything! lol


He definitely has more control over his eliminating and more awareness of it in the past week or so. He is not getting nearly as messy under his tail as he is able to eliminate and then move away from it. Just after the accident he would just lay there and eliminate, today he was actually swishing his tail before eliminating so I was able to lift him just a bit so he didn't get anything on his feathers and I really think he appreciated that! He is spending more time preening and fussy with his feathers so I take those to be good signs as well :)


Thank you all again for caring so much about my little Vree!

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I am glad that you are able to spend the time with Vree and comfort him during his ordeal. It must be really hard on you but the small triumphs like lifting him so he can keep himself clean and carrying him around with you show your kindness and spirit. I hope he continues to improve and has a full recovery. Bless you and Vree.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone! Thought I would give you an update on Vree. Monday will be 4 weeks since his accident and I feel he is really doing well. He is very happy and has adapted will to not being able to stand. He will roll himself over to preen his feathers and his feet. Lately when I set him down next to me he gets rather mad and insists on moving his way over to me so he can be on my lap :) He really is his happy normal self just without being able to stand. I thought I would share this picture of him




He likes to lay on my chest when I am reading so I have put my book down and give him scritches!


I am taking him to the vet monday for a check up so hopefully we'll get more news then!

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Thank you all so much :) I will be sure to update tomorrow after our vet visit, but I thought I would share a picture of Vree cleaning his foot tonight! He can very easily roll himself on to his back and then back over again and seems to find laying on his back comfortable. I am going to mention this to the vet tomorrow to make sure it okay though but he does look so cute!



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What an adorable photo. It is good to hear that Vree is taking this in stride and carrying on as well as can be expected.


Looking forward to hearing what the vet has to say..


Thanks for updating this consistently. :-)

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