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Broken back?


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So so so ANGRY!!!!!!! I called my vet this morning to find out that as I already knew the vet that saw Vree is on early maternity leave but the other exotic vet there has not been in the office all week and won't be back until Monday!!!! Which they did not tell me when I called two days ago...they even told me that vet would call me back that day!!! Specialist has still not gotten back to them allegedly but who knows since they are obviously short staffed. So I have now called specialist office myself and am waiting for a call back.....


Despite all this Vree does seem to be improving...he has better control of legs and in still doing good in all other respects...


I am livid, and so upset because I trusted these vets to be on top of this and they clearly have not been and I feel like I have let Vree down... :(

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Kathryn you've done the right thing by calling the specialist yourself. The vet might be short staffed but that's no excuse for leaving you going through goodness knows what with a baby who has broken his back. They charge plenty for the service they provide and if they can't provide it, they need to be up front about it - especially in a potentially life and death situation.

Well done for taking matters into your own hands. You haven't let Vree down at all, and when he is all better again it might be worth getting back to the original vet and making a formal complaint. I'm not one for rocking the boat, but when it comes to the welfare of my animals, I need to know I can trust my vet completely.

It's good to hear that Vree is a little more in control though.


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Than is infuriating! Their lackadaisical attitude has severely delayed your baby getting proper attention.


It is so good to know we have people like Dave here that gave you the right advice on how to treat her while waiting for the vet. It is obvious your doing a great job and your beby is responding well to it.

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The ability to heal is a miraculous thing so sorry you have felt like you are on the back burner and hope the specialist gets back with you soon. Good for Vree gaining more movement it must mean the swelling due the injury is reducing so it will be more important than ever to try and keep him from moving around to avoid shifting those bones around and causing any more damage. We are thinking of you both and wishing hard for the best. Waiting with you for news.

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I am sooo :evil: so I can well imagine how you feel :evil: I can also understand how you are blaming yourself for this but you mustn't, you should be able to trust your vet and so you did. You have done the right thing in going directly to the specialist and don't be afraid to chase them up if you feel they are taking too long getting back to you. I agree with Lyn you should put in a formal complaint about the service (or lack of) you recived. Unfortunately our beloved fids can't speak up for themselves therefore we have to take on that particular task ourselves.


I'm so pleased that Vree is showing signs of improvement but if there is a break then surely it needs to be re-set in it's correct position otherwise it may heal in the wrong place. I don't want to scare you and I don't pretend to know any more about it than the next person but these people need a bomb up their arses :evil::evil::evil:

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Okay!!! Good news :) One of the specials I called, called me right back!!!!! The good news is that she said thus far I have done everything that could be done. That there is not a surgical option for this situation (as I described it to her) simply pain meds and wait and see. She said there should be improvement by 6 days and that I would need to wait 6 weeks to see how much improvement he makes at that point. That he is eating, drinking and eliminating normally is the most important thing. At six weeks depending on the improvement or lack thereof a quality of life decision made need to be made.


So now I am deciding if I want to drive to the specialist on Monday just to reconfirm this...

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I'm so sorry, I've just read this thread, I hope that Vree is doing better today. Katheryn I admire you commitment to Vree and everything that you have done so far to help him at this time. You and Vree will be in my prayers as we traverse through the next few weeks. Please keep us posted on his progress.



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Thought I would give everyone an update on Vree! He is doing really well. I heard back from the original specialist that was called and he confirmed everything that we are doing and apologized for not getting back to me sooner that he did not have my phone number until I called and left him a message earlier in the day!


Anyway! Vree's balance is improving and I can tell he is feeling better. He is asking for head scritches and preening his feathers more. He definitely loves that I am spending so much time with him and that he is sleeping in the bedroom with me!


He is very tired of his tub though and I can see him trying to figure out how to escape! I am happy to see him returning to his cheerful self. I just have to keep hoping he'll continue to regain control of his legs.


Thank you for all of your well wishes :)

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Well that is excellent news, seems Vree is on the mend, let's hope so. All the things you mention are good signs. I wouldn't be in a hurry to take him out of the tub, you really don't want him climbing or swinging from the bars of his cage just yet but it probably won't be that long. Is it possible for him to climb from the tub when he is fully fit? If so I would be inclined to let him climb out on his own when he is ready.


Thanks for the update, I'm really hoping for a full recovery for Vree.

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A bit of luck and some good fortune seems to be smiling on you and Vree. I am so glad he is progressing even if it is too slow for Mr. Vree. I also agree that keeping him quiet and safe are still pretty critical to his healing and a good outcome. Good work so far just keep it up.

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Vree is still looking good! He has been very cheerful and sweet these past few days. He could absolutely get out of his tub on his won if he were fully recovered and I keep hoping he'll eventually do just that!! He does really like it when I bring him out and set him down on my lap while I am reading just to be near me and I notice that he is happier then. The vet would like to see him in about 2 1/2 weeks from now to check on his progression. It really seems to have been a gigantic miscommunication in their office and the staff has been very apologetic and sincere.


He is getting more control of his feet and his toes are gripping much better. This might be silly but I miss him perching on my hand :(


Anyway, hopefully as he continues to improve I will continue to have these positive updates!!

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Okay, trying to share a picture from a couple days ago of Vree in his tub!! He was a little fluffy and irritated at me and I think it was because he didn't want me to take his picture looking so undignified!



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Such a cute buddy, so sweet...

Im really hoping for a quick recovery, and Its good news that hes able to grip again, it means he still has command of his feet. I hope thigs will progree much faster and you will see him flying and moving aroound real soon

Thanks for keeping us posted, we are all praying for him


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