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Broken back?


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I just found this forum while trying to find some ideas for my boy. He is a 13 month old Congo African Grey and some how he hurt himself in his cage yesterday. I was not in the room and I heard squawking, flapping and that a crash. I ran downstairs and found him at the bottom of his cage. He could not stand but could flap his wings. I immediately called my vet and got an appointment. The xrays show that his spine is fractured. It is straight from and overhead view but from the side view the best way to describe it is that it has slipped under itself. The break is fairly far down.


The vet sent him home with meds and said to keep him very quiet while she consults with specialists as she has never seen a break like this.


I am so upset, he is the sweetest most cheerful little bird and I love him. I haven't head back form the vet yet and it is so hard to watch him so unhappy in the little clear tub I have him in.


He is drinking when I offer him water, defecating normally and selectively eating.


I am not sure what I am hoping for, maybe suggestions on making his cage rest more comfortable?

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Hi KdK,

I'm so sorry to hear about your baby's accident, It's the hardest thing to watch a loved one in pain. I'm sorry not to be able to offer you any advice - I have no experience with birdie accidents, hopefully some of our more experience members will chip in for you.

What is your greys name? Have you had him since he was little?

I'm amazed the vet sent him home, but the fact that she did means she must be hopeful for a recovery?

Where abouts are you? Is your vet close by?

The most important thing is not to let your little one suffer. If he is resting comfortably, just keep him quiet until the vet gets back to you.

I'll be praying for his recovery.

Do please keep us posted.


Lyn & Alfie.


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Line the wall and the floors of the tub with toweling although a square container would be good such as a fish tank. Change his bowls to a smaller size. Make sure those bowls are near him. Keep him away from things that may scare or startle him. If you have a soft toy such as a furry teddy bear or something soft that he recognises, put it in. Don't let your bird flip around a lot. If you have to call the vet again, ask what's the best position for your bird. We can't advise on that type of thing.

Don't isolate him from yourself. Make sure he can see you. If you see he trying to flap his wings, distract him from doing that.

Basically, all of these things are meant to make him feel comfortable, warm and not to give him the ability or urge to move around alot. Fractures on the back can heal and the only small bad result after healing is that flying may be a little difficult depending upon the depth of the fracture. Good luck. Keep us posted.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2010/02/02 23:59

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Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement! His name is Vree (I did have him tested) and I have known him since just after he was hatched and I brought him home after we was weaned.


I currently have him in a small clean plastic tub that he can not get out of lined with a towel that I change regularly. I am offering all of his favorite foods both in small low bowls and out of my hand. He sometimes prefers to eat from my hand.


I have been keeping him next to me at all times except when I have to leave the house to take care of my other animals! (I have 3 dogs and 5 horses as well :) )


I am about an hour away from Lexington , Kentucky and my vet (in Lexington) said she was going to consult with specialists in Louisville and Cincinnati.


I just feel so awful for him...

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KdK, it sounds like you are going everything you can for your sweet Vree. Being with him as much as you can in a calm and soothing atmosphere is the best medicine. He can see you and know that you are there for him is the best thing you can do. Hearing the calm and reassuring voice of his parront is very important. Be strong, Vree is loved and he knows it! Our greys are so intuitive.

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Challenging situation and it sounds like you have done everything right, just keep him comfortable hydrated and eating. Hope that the Dr.'s can come up with some approach to helping Vree. It is simply amazing how clumsy and accident prone these guys are, best wishes and we will be holding you hand over the e-net while you wait to hear some resolution to his situation. Healing thoughts and strength for you.

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Poor little Vree (and you). I agree with Greywings - they are clumsy and Harvey often finds himself in "sticky situations".


Dave's given some great advice, and you seem to be following that line also - I too believe that the best course of action is to try and limit movement as much as humanely possible - which will be very difficult and hard for you to do to your darling Vree.


We are all here for you - and when one of our family has troubles, we share them too - we are all here for you. Love and prayers for a swift recovery for Vree.

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Oh that does sound a nasty injury, poor Vree and poor you. As others have said you are doing everything possible, all you can do is keep him as comfortable as possible and be there in his sight. Wishing you a quick response from the vet, do phone him back if you feel you need to. Also wishing sweet Vree a speedy recovery.

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Thank you so much for all your encouragement :) I just got off the phone with my vet's office and it turns out the vet that saw Vree had to go on early maternity leave! She had put in a call to a specialist and they are waiting to hear bac form him but in the mean time the other avian vet in their practice should be calling me this afternoon.



Vree is doing okay...he is very frustrated that he can't get his legs to work right. I can tell he likes that I am bringing his tub with me everywhere are sitting with him! Unfortunately I am not getting anything else done!


He chowed down on some of the bread I bake for him last night and has been snacking on some pellets here and there.


So hopefully I will hear something good this afternoon, I will keep everyone posted.

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The eating is a good sign. That means that his respirtory system wasn't affected. If it is affected, swallowing is difficult. Him eating pellets is also a good sign because it takes strength to break and chew pellets or nuts.


More than likely, if the diagnosis is a fractured back, the vet will recommend a body suit to keep everything in tact. The wings won't be affected and you should expect some difficulty with him walking around right now. Don't put large hard pieces of food such as large nuts in his feeding bowl because the instinct for a bird is to grab that item with a foot to eat and if he were to do that it'll throw his balance off which you don't wanna do.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2010/02/03 18:31

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Vree seems to be having a good evening, resting comfortably for the most part. I am very happy because a few minutes ago he actually moved himself a little bit to eat some of his monkey biscuit mush!! Since his accident I have mostly been feeding him tidbits by hand. :) So it made my happy to see him want to go to his food!


Just wanted to share!

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It does feel like ages since we've been to the vet! I spoke with the office yesterday and they just haven't heard back from the specialist. I think they were going to have mail the xrays to him...ugh...I just wish they would hurry!!! Vree was good all night but at some point must have rolled around into his feces because I had the carefully wipe the back of his head this morning! Poor guy :( Keeping him quiet is something of a challenge! I hope to hear more from the vet today, fingers crossed.

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I feel like Vree has had a much better day today. His appetite is improved, he is drinking well and his balance seems to be better. I am not sure how else to describe it. I am very disappointed to have still not heard back from my vet and am going to be taking things a bit more into my own hands as I just don't feel Vree's situation is being giving the attention he deserves.


Thank you Dave, for the PM :)

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