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what does this mean?


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when my grey is on top of his play stand he will sometimes hold his wings away from him and sway back and forth, or hold them out and act like he is going to fly, but doesnt. Is he just trying to get my attention, or does this mean something else?(like mating behavior) I also want to ask about something else he has been doing. When I hold him and he is close to my chest he will make a sort of panting/whining noise. Is he just showing me affection? He is 4 years old. I say he but I have not done dna, so not sure of the sex.

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"""""When I hold him and he is close to my chest he will make a sort of panting/whining noise. Is he just showing me affection? He is 4 years old. I say he but I have not done dna, so not sure of the sex."""""



Those are sexually stimulated reactions that birds do sometimes when cuddling is going on. It's not wise to pet your bird on certain areas when he's doing this. Sex of bird doesn't matter. Both do it.


As far as the other, it could mean those things---getting the idea to fly or getting your attention. Nothing is abnormal there but if he doesn't fly yet, expect it to happen soon. He's just getting his nerve up to do it.

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