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Rishi Needs Our Prayers.......


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The first attempt did not work. The vet was not inclined to make the trip.


The last time it was Judy's post that stirred me up to make the trip with Rishi to Dubai.


This time Extreme has again fired me up. I plan on going to Dubai in the third week of February to meet the vet face to face and try to convince him. Also there are other avian vets in Dubai and I could approach them too.


Let us see how it goes.

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I hope you are successful for you seem to be a determined man but you have the health of Rishi to be concerned about and will do what is necessary to ensure that he gets the help he needs, keep us informed and I will continue to pray for Rishi as I have for Spock.

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The word is that nothing easy is worth the effort so since this is so difficult we will be sending thoughts of success and health and hoping for the very best outcome.

Another thought just occurred to me-would it be possible to have a teleconference with the Vet and perhaps send him any samples required? Avoiding any need to travel for either party?<br><br>Post edited by: Greywings, at: 2010/02/10 16:12

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they can always do a toenail collection in a capillary tube that is pretty safe and can spin it down and send for what ever tests they cannot do in house. Where is the cloesest College or University that trains PreMed or Veterinary students, perhaps a Professor could help? You will always deserve Karma for your efforts and your caring.<br><br>Post edited by: Greywings, at: 2010/02/10 18:14

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Thanks Greywings I will certainly follow up on this. But I am very sceptical about the knowledge and skills of the few local vets vis a vis birds and specially Greys. When u say spin it down, I assume that requires some equipment? The vet clinics here are largely 2 room affairs and I have not seen any kind of sophisticated equipment.

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Hi Ramsabi,

There is an avian vet here in Abu Dhabi at the British Vet Clinic.

I know he does regular visits to a clinic in Al Ain, which is a couple of hours drive from Muscat. If you cross the boarders through Bureimi to Al Ain side, I think they only check your pasports at the check point and they do not require visas, if you are a resident in Oman.


If you like I could call the Brit Vet on Saturday and check on which day Dr. Jonathan will be in Al Ain. Also the drive to Dubai is around one hour, so you could still go to Nad Al Shiba if you want.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can do anything for you

I will keep praying for Rishi

my mobile is +97150 6120410

British Vet Clinic is +97126650085

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Thanks Ranaz, speechless for the assist.


The Buraimi route is technically illegal !! Visas ARE required for an Omani resident to enter UAE regardless of where the entry point is !! Omani nationals do not require a visa.


But anyway that is not the problem. I am prepared to travel anywhere for Rishi.


I will be very grateful if you can speak to Dr. Jonathan and ask him if he is willing to make it to THIS side of the border. I can then take Rishi close to the border and he can have a look at him.


Alternatively if he wants to fly down to Muscat, I am willing to pay his air fare apart from his professional fees. I can also request the local vet here to extend the use of his facility if required.

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