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Rishi Needs Our Prayers.......


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Many of you members may remember the debts that ramsabi and his wife went to for Rishi when he was first sick. I remember the incredibly long drive, the sneaking past customs with a bird and the fear of being jailed to mention just a few. True dedicated grey owners would go to extremes like that....I am proud to have heard their story, and have them in our family here.


Rishi is still very sick, His mom & dad have done a marvelous job of giving him the best possible care, love and life they can. Please lets pray for Rishi as well as Spock. These 2 birds are members of our family and need all the love, prayers and best wishes we can send daily. It only take a few seconds of our busy days to say a quick prayer for them. Regardless of your faith, positive thoughts will do wonders as well.


Get well soon Spock and Rishi, Love and prayers to you all. Talon, Rikki, Nilah & Penny

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Poor Rishi. Ramsabi, his wife and Rishi will be kept in thoughts and prayers.


This has been a struggle and the best possible care has been done even risking possible criminal charges in getting the needed attention.


What a great example of compassion and love on their part.

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Spock and Rishi are top priority in my prayers and thoughts. I didn't realize that Rishi was still suffering, although I knew the ailment hadn't been completely resolved. I love you and wish only the best for Spock and Rishi and their respective families as they are part of my family.

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Talon, we are overwhelmed and I really cannot say anything but Thanks Thanks Thanks.


We have never treated Rishi as "belonging" to us nor us as belonging to him. He has been an equal member of the family with equal rights and privileges.


Today I realised with dawning awe and gratitude that Rishi is not part of the small family of Pakshi, Khushi (the tiels), Ram (myself) and Sabi (my wife)but a member of a 5000 strong flock.


We have decided that from today we are only custodians of Rishi on behalf of this wonderful family.


Thank you all again.

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ramsabi wrote:

Today I realised with dawning awe and gratitude that Rishi is not part of the small family of Pakshi, Khushi (the tiels), Ram (myself) and Sabi (my wife)but a member of a 5000 strong flock.


Never a truer word spoken.


I have never seen such love, devotion and bravery in respect to what ramsabi and his wife endured in order that Rishi could receive the best care possible. This is a story that many of us do not have to re-visit, it is as fresh in our minds as they days over which it happens (for newer members, please click above on "Rishi is very sick" in order that you can see what these guys did).


I am so, so sorry that Rishi is still not well and my prayers, thoughts and wishes are directed at yourselves and Jay & Maggie. I will think about you all at every little opportunity. Keep strong, keep going - you know where we all are.

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My goodness - I remember Rishi's story vividly but wasn't aware he was still poorly.

I read in amazement about Ram and Sabi sneaking through customs to get Rishi the treatment he needed, and thought this was a story of pure devotion.

Absolutely Rishi is in my thoughts and prayers.

Your flock are all wishing you well Rishi.


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I too remember Rishi's story of how his "flock" went to great lengths to get him the help he needed and he still needs our prayers. I know we all think the world of Spock and Rishi and feel like they are a part of our family and when one is hurting then we all hurt for them.


I pray that Rishi and Spock get better real soon.

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Thank you Deb. Fortunately, the recession has not hit our part of the world and financially we are able and willing to spend anything it takes to care for Rishi.


Our problem is in getting medical care for Rishi. The only professional help is in Dubai which is another country. I took a risk the last time because it looked like we would lose Rishi. But after the trip I realised the huge risk that I took. If we had been discovered by the border authorities, we could have probablyy gotten off lightly but I AM SURE RISHI WOULD HAVE BEEN CONFISCATED. Even if he were in perfect health that would be devastating. Given his present condition, that would be completely unacceptable.

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pearllyn wrote:

Good luck with this endeavour - I don't see why a vet shouldn't be able to visit you.


Hi pearl, the problem is the vet is in a different country !! She/He will have to go through all the security hassles and customs and visas etc. etc. and I doubt if they will be prepared to do that especially with a very busy schedule. I have visited the medical facility in Dubai and believe me they are up to their necks in work.


I have sent him an email and waiting for the response.<br><br>Post edited by: ramsabi, at: 2010/02/04 01:13

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