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new CAG behavior


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So I just got my 4 month old CAG last week. He eats really good and plays with his toys a lot. The first few days he was letting me pick him up and rub and scratch his neck, but every since he went to the vet he screeches when I go to pick him up (and doesn't end up stepping up) and always tries to nibble and chew on my finger when I try to touch him in anyway. What do I do about this? How long is this behavior going to last? Also, what do I do about the chewing on the finger in general? He was doing that since day one but it never hurts when he does it. It is like he is exploring or something. People said to catch the chewing in the beginning so he don't end up biting hard by saying no firmly and ignoring him for a little bit. But he does this all the time so that would mean I would be ignoring him all the time and that don't seem right. Please help with some advice. Thank You

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Nothing unusual is going on. You've only had him a wek and it takes a lot longer for a bird to get used to things in a new area even though you were cuddling him right away after bringing him home--Sorta like a security blanket at the time.

Going to a vet can be a good or bad experience. It depends on the bird and it depends on the vet and how things meshed. Subtract that day at the vet that had unpleasentness attached. Some take a day or so to get their normalness back. Others take much longer.

Nibbling and chewing is the only thing any parrot can do when reacting to something strange, odd, surprising and also it's the basic way it tells another creature to leave it alone.

Right now, less handling is a better idea. He needs to get familar with all the new things, habits, environments and other people in the house. The best place for a bird to accomplish that is from the safety of a cage.

If you're about to say that all of these things have already happened, I can guarantee you that in no way has it happened in only a week.

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You CAG is still a baby and is probably using its beak to test things. They test with their beak to see how strong a thing is to perch on. To help them balance when they go from here to there. Greys have no hands so their beaks do all sorts of things hands would do. If you start playing with your grey's beak with your fingers don't be surprised if he nips you a little too hard as they do get excited and start to play a little to hard much like kids. As for the screeching, you'll probably had to give your grey a little time to forget about the vet visit. I don't stay within my fids' vision when they go to the vet, that way I can "save" them from the trials the "evil" vet put them through. ;)

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Dave is right on with his advice, your grey needs time to get used to his new home and it will be a while before you see more of his personality as he settles into his new home.


Birds use their beaks like we do our hands, they test things and he is telling you he is not ready for much handling at this point in time, be patient with him for it will reap great rewards.

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Thanks everyone for the replies. You guys really made me feel a lot better about this situation. I was getting worried that the vet traumatized him really bad. But it has been almost a week since you guys replied and he is already starting to do a lot better.

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Avian vets know how to handle birds that stress easily and most of the birds are fine soon after leaving the office but your bird is new to you too and it takes time and since he is doing a lot better you can quit worrying so much, thanks for letting us know he is doing better.

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