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Mr Spock--Jayd--Some Prayers


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Jayd wrote this in grey lounge but it should be everywhere.



""Well, Spock's a year old today, he's also very sick...I haven't posted anything because it's been to hard to talk about. It started showing up about a month ago, first, excess urine and soft feces, then he quit eating his regular food, then he started mutilating his chest and back feathers. Nothing from the vet worked, antibiotic's etc, was told "probably liver or internal", "born with it"...[non-contagious] Similar symptons to PDD. He's started losing weight and his "keel is prominent, his "crop" empties extremely fast, and at times without warning he gets violent and bites. He's down to 435-440 grams. He doesn't look very good...There's nothing they can do...

We've changed his diet completely, high protein/fat, vet started him on detox herbs:Aloe, milk thistle, dandelion, leafy veggies, rice/beans, anise seed, flax seed and we feed him Formula 30-50 ml's at bed time.

His stools look somewhat better, very little urate and his urine is thick. He eats a lot but it doesn't absorb into his system...In past posts, I've mentioned he had a fast metabolism, and from a baby his crop emptied too quick, he never had any excess fat.

We're doing all we can, this is so hard. He's still strong and fly's all over, we won't clip his wings unless he get to weak to fly...One of the worst things is you can be holding him and all's ok, then he starts screaming and attacks you biting, and after a moment he's ok again... He spends all his time staying with Maggie or me, he' resting at least 13+ hours a day. A few months back he was on antibiotics for watery stools...We're doing all we can...

We'll keep doing our regular posts and keeping the Amazon room going with Spock sitting on our shoulder, correcting us. We love you all...

Jayd and Maggie""""""""


We all send our prayers to you and Mr Spock. Hope for a recovery soon!

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Hey Jayd and Maggie, I'm sending you prayers for courage and love and compassion to Spock. The biting is sudden discomfort - just a knee-jerk reaction, I think. Try to forgive him. You are doing sp much for him - and he feels your love. I am very saddened by your news and I hope he gets through this. Stay in touch if you can. Happy Hatchday, Spock.

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