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Step Up, I Said


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I believe the all important first lesson to teach your grey is to step up on command. If you don't teach them anything else you must do that. They need to know you are in control and if they can do that every time you ask then you have mastered the first step.


In teaching them to step up, place your hand in front of your bird close to the lower belly and gently push while saying step up. When they do step up, praise them cheerfully and lavishly, and then set them back down and repeat several times. You will have taught them that necessary first lesson and then congratulate yourself for a job well done.:P :P :P :P :P

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Guest briansmum

brian knows step up, i know he does, but if he's got himself on top of the door, or some other exciting place, i can say step up till my tongue falls out and he doesnt wanna know.


great advice though judy, thanks for reminding us, sometimes it's easy to forget to say step up when collecting the bird from it's perch

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I agree Judy!


Dayo probably does not understand the term "Step Up" yet, but both Kim and I use it every time time we pick up, play ladder climbing or transfer Dayo to one another or a perch.


I'm certain, that even at 13 weeks old, he is intelligent enough to pick up on the correlation quickly.

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Ceasar Steps up.. and has for ever it seems.. Only recently has he actually started to say "step up" and this brings me to another point.. Many grey owners are frustrated as to the progress of their Greys talking.. Case in point.. It's taken MONTHS of constant STER UP with ceasar for him to actually say it.. So don't think that your bird isn't learning.. Sometimes it takes TIME.. Never give up.. In the end your bird will talk..

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Guest Lidia

Joshua has always stepped up easily, but I've never said to him "step up", or anything else. He just sees the Hand of Transport and steps up on it. It is important for them to know the step-up hand and/or command, it's very useful to you both.


CD: just wait until he starts barking "Step up" at you to get you to come and transport him where he wants to go, without wasting energy by flying!


If I go out of the room, I beckon Joshua with my tweaking finger to "come on" and he usually flies after me. But he also says it if he wants me to come over to him!

:P<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/31 16:29

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Talon tells us to "Step Up" when she wants to be moved from one place to another....lazy bird........she has wings, she COULD fly!!

She'll also say, "Thirsty Bird" because she knows we will pick her up and take her into the kitchen to get her a drink! (even tho she has one right next her on her playstand!) :silly:

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Guest Lidia

judygram wrote:

Who is the trained one here, Talon, I think you know its not you, don't ya.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Judy, Judy, Judy, you shouldn't laugh. It'll happen to you soon enough!


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Then you need to do it with a stick to start out with, and don't do it with him inside the cage, let him come out and then try it. When you can get him to step up onto the stick, move your hand further up on the stick until it is right up against him. Of course you need to not flinch or pull back when he does bite, it will make him bite more, he will associate pulling back with getting you to leave him alone and that is not what you want to accomplish. To him it will be a game and you need to show him you are not afraid of him and it will result in a few bites but in the long run he will understand you are the boss and he must do as you ask. It doesn't mean you have to be mean to him but firm and speak softly to him, save the harsh voice for another time.


These are my suggestions, and some of the members may disagree with me but this is my opinion and if others differ then they can post their ideas and opinions.:)

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Oh and Lidia, Talon knows I am kidding with her, she knows I mean no offense and none will be taken. If my rough sense of humor offends anyone then I am sorry it was taken that way. But then I don't let Josey all over my desk either.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Me and Birdie are not to the steppin' up on command phase yet.


The only time she will get on my hand is when she chooses to for reasons like she has been in the same place for awhile, she knows she is not supposed to be where she is, etc... but she will never step up when I try to get her off the cage top. She will just run/climb around it until I leave her alone.


So my question is if a bird is running away from you how do you get it to step up? cornering it seems like it wouldn't be a good idea bcuz it would get the bird scared.


Also, once I get her on my hand she flaps her wings a lot. How do I get her to stop flapping the wings?

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My Josey will try the run away trick when she is on top of her cage but I come after her and she steps up. When you have to come after her don't give up, make her step up, show her who is boss. This can get into a game if you don't watch out. She needs to know you want her to step up when you ask and put your hand out in front of her and push on her belly. Also make sure she is not over your head high when you do this, and look her in the eyes. Also say step up when you try this, she needs to know what that means so she knows what to do the next time you say it.


Flapping the wings is normal, Josey does that too sometimes when I pick her up, give her a few seconds and she will quit.


I hope this helps, if not let us know and we will try and figure out something else, but you need to be a little firm with her, remember who is the parent and who is the child.

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Hehe, You guys guessed my attitude correctly! I am definately not firm with her, but only because 1. she is new to me and I am trying to go slow with her and don't want to get hurt or her get hurt (only had her for 3 months and we are still getting used to each other) and 2. apparently the 1st owner was mean to her by teasing her and such, so I am not forcing her because I don't to do something she doesn't want to.


Hummm I think I see my problem now. I have to act more like a parent and less like a friend. At least until she starts listening and understanding more.


Thanks for the advice. I'm going to go MAKE her step up now... (I just my be posting in the Bit By My CAG thread next:laugh: )<br><br>Post edited by: SFsailor, at: 2007/08/09 05:17

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Well on the step up command someone suggested me using a stick...wellll,Charlie is scared to death of that stick he flys all over the place or trys too...so Im afraid he may hurt himself because his wings are clipped and he can fly very well....I have only had Charlie for 6 months now and I don't know if someone before me was mean to him with a stick or intimidated him with one but I have to actually hide the thing to come him down....my question mainly is how do I get Charlie to trust me...I bought him for myself but he tends to lean toward my husband which I don't like my husband can walk up to his cage and he will hike his leg for him to take him...but he will only let me get him only own his terms...I have tried to be stern with him but its not helping he is a very intelligent bird to be just alittle over a year old and is a good bird but I think he has picked my husband over me...any suggestions;)

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Yes it seems he has picked your hubby to bond with and that is something you will have to learn to live with. But he can learn to tolerate you more if you keep at it.


I would not use the stick if he is scared to death of it, it is not helping. You are gonna have to earn his trust and that may take some time, so don't give up, patience is key right now.


Maybe he will be more receptive of going to you from your hubby, if he picks him up and transfers him to you, work on that for a while and maybe he will come around.

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