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New feathers.


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Tully has been with us for 3 weeks now and is doing really well, I am so pleased with him!


He is gaining trust slowly but surely and has settled in far better than I expected.


Yesterday we changed his cage over, the one he came in was rusty but I gave him a few weeks to adapt and managed to find an identical new cage for him, he changed over no problem.


His feathers are slowly coming back and he has steadily gained weight. He is a good 532g at the moment and is trying new foods all the time.


He loves Harrisons and is eating this as his main diet now. I believe the diet, lighting and attention he is getting are all contributing to how good he is starting to look.


I love this guy already!

I just wanted to share his latest picture I took this morning, there is definetly a big difference to when I first got him.


Heres my baby boy:)



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Congratulations! Pongo has been with us for about six weeks here as well and the drive (8hours) was a bit rough for her. So she plucked out her chest feathers too, they are also g=coming back in as well, the vet gave her a great bill of health and all is well, hop eyou have as much joy with yours as we are!

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