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Spock's hatch Day, but he's very sick...


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:( Well, Spock's a year old today, he's also very sick...I haven't posted anything because it's been to hard to talk about. It started showing up about a month ago, first, excess urine and soft feces, then he quit eating his regular food, then he started mutilating his chest and back feathers. Nothing from the vet worked, antibiotic's etc, was told "probably liver or internal", "born with it"...[non-contagious] Similar symptons to PDD. He's started losing weight and his "keel is prominent, his "crop" empties extremely fast, and at times without warning he gets violent and bites. He's down to 435-440 grams. He doesn't look very good...There's nothing they can do...

We've changed his diet completely, high protein/fat, vet started him on detox herbs:Aloe, milk thistle, dandelion, leafy veggies, rice/beans, anise seed, flax seed and we feed him Formula 30-50 ml's at bed time.

His stools look somewhat better, very little urate and his urine is thick. He eats a lot but it doesn't absorb into his system...In past posts, I've mentioned he had a fast metabolism, and from a baby his crop emptied too quick, he never had any excess fat.

We're doing all we can, this is so hard. He's still strong and fly's all over, we won't clip his wings unless he get to weak to fly...One of the worst things is you can be holding him and all's ok, then he starts screaming and attacks you biting, and after a moment he's ok again... He spends all his time staying with Maggie or me, he' resting at least 13+ hours a day. A few months back he was on antibiotics for watery stools...We're doing all we can...

We'll keep doing our regular posts and keeping the Amazon room going with Spock sitting on our shoulder, correcting us. We love you all...

Jayd and Maggie





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Oh Jayd, I'm so sorry for you, Maggie and Spock. I have noticed that there have been less posts from all of you lately, but thought you might just be busy with birds you were fostering.


This is heartbreaking news for Spock. Excuse my ignorance, but what is the prognosis? It sounds rather ominous from what you have described, but might there be something, anything????


I will be praying for all of you.



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Oh Jay - I can't believe it. As you know I love Spock to pieces and love his antics ~ as well as his logs. If anyone can do anything it will be you two. Spock's in the right place, with the right people.


Spock ~ Happy Hatchday - tinged with sadness though - but enjoy it and my prayers and thoughts are with you all :kiss:

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Oh Spock! Have the happiest of hatchdays! x


Jay I'm so sorry to hear this - it must be awful for you to be holding him close and then have him start screaming.

You're doing everything that can be done for him and I'm praying he gets over this and back to his old self.

Be sure and give him some extra extra tlc today and some extra treats for his hatchday.


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Oh no Jay!


It is obvious you and the vet are doing all you can to get to the bottom of this and Spock on the right path to good health.


It is obvious he is in pain the way you describe he acts at times from cuddling to biting in milliseconds.


Happy Hatch Day Spock! You do as your dad, mom and vet requests and get better soon.


Prayers and best wishes to you.

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Reading this makes me so sad, I had also noticed there had been less posts from Spock, he is almost like one of my own to me because I love reading his posts on here. I know he is getting more love than anyone else could give him and along with your vet, the best treatment available - you can't ask for more than that.


Hang in there Spock and try to have a greyt birthday, let those human types spoil you all day - more than usual. Sending you love from the westcountry. Beau & Argyle sending beaky loves also.

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My heart hurts to read this. I am so sorry that Spock isn't doing well. I really hope its nothing too serious and he gets through this! Spock is like Eckos brother from another mother so hearing this kind of news makes me really sad. And to be going through this on his hatchday makes it even sadder! I hope you have a good hatchday Spock, make the best of it.


I haven't been able to come on here lately because school started again and I have been soo busy but I will make sure to check back to hear how Spock is doing so please make sure to give us updates!! I will be praying for you Spock. Jay and Maggie, hang in there I know you are doing the best you can!! :(

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Oh Spock, Happy Hatchday little grey!!!! I hope you have a great day with lots of Hatchday goodies!


I first saw this post last night and I am devastated with the news of Spock's illness, my heart is breaking. Spock is so much a large part of the Grey Forum, he is our Mascot!!! It is very hard to put what I feel in words, I can't believe it!!! I know you, Jay and Maggie, are doing all you can to keep Spock healthy. I will pray for him every day and pray that his medication and your love will make him well so that he can live long and prosper. Have a great day Spock and I pray that next year we can all say Happy Hatchday again to a healthy Spock!!!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2010/02/01 21:39

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:) Thank you all so much! It has been a hard day today but you all have made it a little easier. Spock had a cornbread muffin for his bird-day, he was also started on Baytril injections today (7cc's once a day) for 7 days. Ouch!!! He is not a happy camper!

Thank you,

Jay and Maggie

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I am so sorry to hear this.


I now have something to confess. I have also not posted about Rishi's condition WHICH IS IDENTICAL TO SPOCK'S.


The additional complication is that the nearest avian vet is 450 km away in a neighbouring country.


Since October of last year, we have been giving the best nutrition possible to Rishi, and more importantly lots and lots of love and attention.


The last time Rishi was very sick (Sept '09) my wife and I firmly believe that it was the collective thoghts and prayers of the members that pulled him through.


Let us hope and pray that both these wonderful birds recover together with the love and prayers of the members.

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I bet he isn't a happy camper but this shall pass with the good Lord's help and even though I haven't been on during the day today to check for any updates I have been thinking of him and praying that he is getting better, I know he is getting the best care possible.


Thanks so much Jay for the update.

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JillyBeanz wrote:

If anyone can do anything it will be you two. Spock's in the right place, with the right people.



Completely and totally agree! Even though this so sad...I'm glad he's with you guys.


Prayers coming NOW! (for both birds)


And for you guys.


Happy belated hatch day Spock!


{Love-0002011D} Closest thing I could find to a hug.

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