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What is my bird doing?


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So i never gave my african grey a pacifier before until a month or two ago. When he has one this is all he does with it. He does seem to prefer purple ones. Maybe its his favorite color lol. So he will take them and lick them for say, an hour or so. Either that or until i take it away....Sorry if the vid is a little blurry my first time using the camera. I also notice while he licks the pacifier he brings up a little white milky looking substance on his tongue....


Anyone know what he is doing? I have had him for 6 years and never saw him do this with anything before.

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i have a toy similar to that but tigerlilies not that interested in it and tends to bite it instead of lick it.


couldn't really see the right stuff you are on about but could it be that he is regurtating? didn't see him doing the normal regurtating action but it might be


and i wouldn't take it off him myself, he's obviously enjoying himself, anything to keep them quiet for a bit!<br><br>Post edited by: Tigerlily, at: 2010/01/31 23:01

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I know its like giving a baby a pacifier....Hes quiet and occupied for how ever long he has it. No he doesnt do the regurgitating action. He just has a little white substance on his tongue. He's a strange one i guess! He isn't your average grey hes very quiet and doesn't talk much. But I love him the same.

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