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My Parrot bites me alot


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Just recently my parrots started to bite alot. It used to sort of "nibble" on my finger, but now it really bites hard.

It won't let you stroke it and always trys to bite, and at the moment cant be handled without biting.

I've had it for a couple of years but the problems only just started.

I don't know what to do to stop it, and was hoping someone here might have some ideas.

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It was hand reared yes but sometimes it likes stroking. It puts its head down and seems to enjoy it, other times its aggressive and bites me :-(

I will try what you say, although he'll probably bite my lip in half :-)

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Is he hand reared? One of mine is. He has always disliked stroking unless I tell him I'm going to, and kiss him on the beak first. Otherwise he takes it as a threat and thinks I'm going to pick him up (he only likes perching on my finger unlike my

Amazon which loves being handled (picking him up in my hand upside down, tickling his stomach, etc).

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  • 2 years later...

Dear 3 months ago the same problem I faced with my african Grey. So I research on it alot after that what I underst is.....1> Your bird need rest mean He need 10 to 14 hours sleep minimum... 2> Change the diet give him or her fresh fruits and 3> dont put him in your finger 1st put him in some perch of wood(Thikness is like your finger)and when he sit on it then give him love on his head and on the ears do all that stuff 15 minutes in the morning and 15 in the night Time....Hope he will b OK very soon and become your best friend again....

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It could be that your Grey is in his Terrible Two's and starting to exercise his\her independence.


Be patient and don't push your will on him. Give him some space to see you respect his wishes. But, when he is trying to bite, do not flinch and or pull your hand back. If you do, you will be training him to bite everytime.


The are other members here that have gone through the terrible twos and will be able to share much more with you on this.


I just noticed....this original thread started in 2005. I guess the original poster never followed up....

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This subject has been fresh always. My first encounter 1965 with a brat bird I owned was a blue front that was a Dr Jackal and Hyde. Some days a sweetie and others was a beak monster looking for fresh flesh. I’m convinced they have their own personality and moods, somewhat like humans. HOW MOODIE ARE YOU?


jOE<br><br>Post edited by: nevjoe, at: 2007/09/11 14:46

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