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Tobie takes flight


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  • 2 weeks later...

Tobie is flying with more confidence now. He still hasn't learned to plan his landings. He does though more frequently just lift off of one surface and float down on another such as one end of the sectional couch to the other or from the sectional couch to the stairs going upstairs. This is about 20% of the time that he flies now. The other 80% of the time he seems to have no idea of where he intends to land and usually ends up fluttering up to a wall(no crashing anymore)or window and acting like he thinks he has suction cups on his feet and can just grab the wall someway. Of course he slides down the wall or window to the first supportive surface or the floor. I'm looking forward to the day he simply moves from surface to surface 100% of the time. Has anyone else had the experience of watching a bird learn to fly later in life. I'm wondering how long it takes for these poor landings to stop. Of course he is not injuring himself. He usually approaches the wall or window in verical position and softly touches it with his feet before fluttering to the floor. Here are some of my home modifications that I've done to try to keep Tobie safe for his new flight ability.



I've got some bad news about his wing though. He has lost two feathers. One feather came out quill and all. And the other looks suspiciously chewed or broken. the feathers were side by side and I wonder if he knocked out the first one in his fluttereing into things and then a pin feather came in to replace it and thats when the other one that was cleanly broken (still a blood feather) was found. I don't really understand how he could have a new pin feather when these feathers all are just now coming in. He does though have a new pin coming in the gap left by the loss of these two feathers. Anyway it hasn't seemed to change his flying attempts and he flys quite well gaining altitude when he wants to.

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Those are great modifications and I think actually enhance the look. :-)


It sounds like during some of the wall and window fluttering down may have impacted the primaries you described.


Once one broke, the other followed quickly do to a loss of support from the other feather.


Tobie is certainly not afraid of learning flight, where good perches are and where perching is impossible. They all learn in the same way even when fledging as a young chick.

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  • 1 month later...

I've noticed Tobie has been gaining confidence and his landings are improving. He flys to the bird netting often - It works like a trampoline and he can't get hurt. He also more frequently will fly to his playstand or from one side of the couch to the other. His confidence in other types of play is growing too. He used to never play upside down like I've seen Emma do on her videos. I think he was afraid of falling. Now he seems to delight in doing flips upside down on his swing. Here is a video.



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It is a real confidence booster for him to be able to fly, he can do more of those awe inspiring hanging upside down and with one leg and he seems very happy with himself, it is fun to watch them doing this.


Thanks for sharing this with us Jan.

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Janfromboone wrote:

I love that he can now do what he should have been doining all along. Jan


Exactly and this is what I want for Josey too and I may get her there eventually as she has a couple of new flight feathers on that one wing, just waiting for more.

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I somehow missed this thread with Tobie and his new flying skills. He looks great and is having a good time learning to fly. I look forward to when Kopi molts and regains his flight ability. It is just awesome to watch Tobie and he certainly has learned some moves. I am thinking it won't be much longer for Josey to start flying too. I am really encouraged by all of our forum friends for the efforts and patience in helping our birds to be free and flighted as much as possible.

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