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Tobie takes flight


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Some of you might know about Tobie's first molt which was the start of his chewing on his new flight feathers. I took him to a vet who simply felt that it was expected - "after all he was a grey parrot and they are too sensitive and don't adapt well to being pets". One by one this year he has grown one to three new feathers at a time only to break them, knock them out or chew them off when they would get long. Tobie will be three in June and has never flown. He has had a number of damaging falls hurting his beak, cutting his skin over the breast bone etc. because he just would drop like a stone - and yet still go leaping off my hand or the cage. The beginning of december I found another vet who has been treating Tobie with vitamins, antibiotics(incase he has folliculitis) and plucked out the broken stubs which were frayed and very short. Tobie's feathers almost immediately began to grow in on his bad wing. They aren't fully grown out yet, but...


Last night Tobie took flight (actually flew) off the back of the couch banked to miss the wall and landed on the edge of a dog food bowl. It scared me at first and then I was amazed at how he had banked to avoid the wall and although the landing wasn't perfect - it wasn't a crash. This morning while I was fixing Tobie's food dish's I heard him take flight off the cage and the sound of beating wings disappeared growing softer. I tried to stay calm. "Oh Tobie please be OK". I couldn't immediately find him. He had flown 40' from the farthest wall from the bedroom to the bedroom. And I found him walking out of the bedroom door. Some lift had to be happening for him to span that distance. I didn't see if the landing was bad or good but he wasn't hurt. I have a feeling he will be a quick study and be flying in control in no time. Now I feel a bit nervous, but so happy. I didn't think it would happen so soon and before the feathers are fully grown in that wing. The other wing is fully feathered.

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Oh Jan that is such wonderful news!!!


I have followed Tobie's updates since you started. Knowing the pain and suffering you and Tobie both went through, I can only say your devotion,love and Tobie's will to fly whether he had primaries or not got you both through it.


I shed tears of joy reading of Tobie's flights. It such a wonderful life changing event, that I can not explain it.

Now your going to worry every time he takes flight, just like you would a birth child taking their first steps.


He was meant to fly, he knows it and he is a master of the air. He will learn quickly and rule the air as his heritage says he should and has the god given right to.


Karma to you and please keep updates coming. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/01/30 00:33

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Oh Jan I'm sooo happy to hear this. It's been a long road for you and Tobie, but he'll come on in leaps and bounds now and you'll be awestruck very soon by his flying abilities. I'm so glad that you took the step to have his damaged feathers removed - I did that with Alfie and she has never looked back!!

Do keep us informed of Tobies progress. One thing I didn't do, but wish I had for posterity - a flight log!!

Would love to see a vid too if you get a chance!

Congratulations on Tobies newly found status!!


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Thanks for your support. I think I may be a nervous wreck before he becomes skilled in this new sport of his. He flew again this afternoon off of the computer chair into the laundry room across the hall. A flight log would be a great idea. I admire Dan's idea of a book about Dayo and have wanted to start one for Tobie, but I'm just not disciplined enough I guess. Maybe I'll try again.

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Go Tobie! What great news Jan - he'll be into everything now! I love it when I decide to go upstairs and just say "hey, Harvey, come on" and up he goes! I have a turn in my staircase and he is so proficient at the mid-air turn it is unreal!


You must be so proud after your tribulations with Tobie - and don't worry - he'll be a dab hand in no time :)

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Oh Jan! That is so wonderful. As you know I'm going through the same thing with Beau, and while he insists on jumping from my hand (he's forbidden on his cage when out) he has the same problems with his right wing. He has new feathers growing in, and for the most part has not chewed them, but you have given me new hope that one day Beau will have a good wing, whether he ever flys or not is up to him. I'm so excited for him and you and know you couldn't be happier.



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Janfromboone wrote:

I admire Dan's idea of a book about Dayo and have wanted to start one for Tobie, but I'm just not disciplined enough I guess. Maybe I'll try again.


Jan - It would be wonderful even if you just logged and shared your and Tobie's journey to accomplishing this.


It is not been and easy or pleasant ath at times for either of you. But, the final outcome far outweighs the process to reach this first flight and Tobie becoming the ruler of the air he knows he should be. :-)


It would serve as a great reference for all undergoing this process.

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Good idea Dan, I'll try to make additions to this thread as Tobie's skill grows. Right now it is still nerve wracking. This morning, for no reason I could see Tobie just took off from his cage and flew through the living room and dining room perfectly level flight and tried to stop before he hit the window screen but really just bounced off of it and then flutted (not too hard) to the floor. It didn't bother him. He just looked at me as if to see if I saw his athletic endeavor and said "Tobie's got a red butt". When I saw that he was alright I couldn't help but laugh at his cocky attitude.

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Hahahaha Jan!! Tobie flew because HE CAN!!! :P


Believe me, he is enjoying every millisecond of it. He doesn't consider the close calls to heart attacks you may have. :P


Yes, please do give constant updates. They will be priceless. :-)


Tobie will be fine, you just need to chill with a glass of wine and enjoy watching your child learn on his own. :-)

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Janfromboone wrote:

He just looked at me as if to see if I saw his athletic endeavor and said "Tobie's got a red butt". .


Lol - how funny! Glad he wasn't hurt.

When Alfie had those little accidents, she wasn't yet skilled enough to be going so fast that she would do any damage. By the time she was, the accidents had stopped - so nothing to worry about!

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Spent the week moving Tobies cage away from the porch door, where it has been since he came to my house 2.5 yrs ago. He seems to like the new location and Frank put his big swing over the cage again. I had removed all high places like the swing and play stand when he was falling so much. Now he has his play stand back too. Here is a video. No flight videos yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was hoping to give an update with a video, but Tobies flights are not predictable and if I try to initiate a flight it seems to scare him. So he just does it when and where he chooses. I've done quite a bit of safe guarding around the house. Frank and I are getting better at putting the toilet seats down. Tobie has flown into the downstairs bathroom twice for some reason. The first time he landed in the bathtub where he takes his shower and the second time on the back of the commode. That is about a twenty-five foot flight and involves a left hand turn down a hallway and a right hand turn in the small bathroom. He is also avoiding flying into windows. He flys toward them and turns away before reaching the window. He still doesn't seem to have a clear plan on where he is going to land though. Overall he is doing much better. The best thing to report is that he do longer hits the coffey table or the floor with a sickening smack. His worst landing hasn't been as bad as that was. Dr. Stewart - thank you, thank you, thank you with all my heart.

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