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Need Urgent Advice! Bird Pinned by Dog.


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I have a 9-month old African Gray, Archimedes. She was foraging around the floor tonight when a dog bolted into the room while someone was leaving. The dog was able to pin her to floor for a few seconds.


My wife and I are extremely distressed, we examined Archimedes after she had time to calm down. There are no bite marks and her wings appear fine. She limped initially but we placed her into her cage and put her in a dark, quiet area. What can I do now? We have called everyone we know, but just don't have any local resources. We want to take her to a vet to get checked out but absolutely can't afford it at the moment.


What can we do? What do we need to watch out for? She hasn't been vocal or eaten since then, it's been almost an hour.

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When you grey was pinned to floor, how so? Moth against it, leg on it etc? How big is the dog?


Does the leg appear normal, like no weird bends etc.?


How is your grey acting?


Are it's eyes pinned constantly?


Does breathing seem labored?


Being quite and not eating is normal. It is basically scared as hell.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/01/29 02:59

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the dog is a lab puppy, about 3 months. grey is acting super quiet. We placed her in the bottom of her pen and she climbed up to her perch and has sat there for the past half hour. She appears disinterested in her food, she drank a little water. She limped initially, hard to tell if she is still limping. Climbing fine.

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I do hope Archimedes will be alright after this. Internal damage is a real possibility, as has been said, and the only way to know for sure is to take her to a vet. If you can't afford it then you must try to come to some arrangement with your vet to pay your bill in installlments. The bottom line is you are responsible for Archimedes and owe her the best care available. I imagine if there was an injury you could see (like, heaven forbid, a broken leg or something) you would pull out all the stops and find some way to get her to a vet. An internal injury could be just as serious, if not more so, but harder to spot. She may be absolutely fine - but it's better to be safe than sorry!

I haven't had any experience with an accident like this, but it's possible she could go into shock aswell - maybe one of the more knowlegable members could offer advice on that.

Hopefully she will perk up soon start eating and talking again and we will all have worried for nothing!

Just please keep a really close eye on her and keep us informed.

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Oh my goodness. I am so, so sorry for your loss. I know it's a really really difficult time, and to have lost Archimedes in such tragic circumstances too.


Please though, don't blame the pup, it's just instinct. The pup knows no better.


My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at such a side time.

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Adarakay, I am so so sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a pet at anytime for any reason is so sad, but to lose an animal not yet in her prime because of a pure accident is so hard to come to terms with.

Thank you so much for thinking of us at this sad time and letting us know how Archimedes was doing - I had so prayed for a happier outcome.

Please know our thoughts are with you, and that Archimedes will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.


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