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Dayo experimenting with words...funny


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Just had to share this as I sit here in front of the "Computer" LMAO @ Dayo!!


So I'm sitting here and Dayo is over blabbering away.


Next thing I know he's experimenting...


"I'm on the Computer"

"I'm in the Computer"

"Banana in the Computer"

"Coconut in the Computer"

"Put me in the Computer"


Still laughing and now he's begging for a cracker!!! :-)

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I am glad you got a laugh or two out of Dayo's word and phrase experimentation.


Watching him learn and evolve the speech process up to this point is very similar to a human child's. At 3 years old humans do the same thing in making up crazy sentences as they try and figure out which words to use properly in sentences and what the response is by others. Of course the most hilarious is when children do it on purpose because we laugh our butts off at them.


Since Dayo is just a few months shy of being 3, I find it strikingly similar to human speech learning.


It hit me in analyzing Dayos sentence structures and use of words like "In" versus "On" the computer for example. I realized that he sits on my shoulder and I say things like "Look Dayo, it's you dancing, singing. talking etc.".


Thus, the sentence "Put me IN the computer" now makes perfect since to me.


Now as for the Banana and Coconut in the computer...I write it off to him just being silly and liking to see me laugh. :P<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/01/28 15:13

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