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help please baby grey biting


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hi ive just bought a hand reared baby grey ten days ago,its 17 weeks old,it seems to have got very attatched to me more than the others in family,always sits on my head as soon as i enter the room but since last night it has been really trying to bite me as soon as it lands on me,trying to bite my face etc,when i try 2 push her off it climbs down my back then runs back up to try again,im trying not to show my fear but im getting very weary of it,,dont know what to do i love it and want to keep the bond we had in our first week together,,any advice please im desperate.thanks

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Hi weewendy.

Congrats on getting your baby.

At 17 weeks Cheeko's bites won't really be bites, are they? They tend to use their beaks alot for finding their way around - kind of and extra hand!

I wouldn't let her (I assume she's a she? You call her "it" alot) sit on your head though, that may be her trying to assert her autority over you! As a rule, in the animal kingdom, the highest head is the boss!!

Also, as 17 weeks, she is still very much a baby, so be careful how you push her off you're head - babies are easily hurt.

If you want her to get along with all the family, it is very important that she be socialised with them all from a young age. If you can all share her chores, feeding cleaning etc, she will become much more used to everyone. That being said, greys will very much choose who they want to bond with, and if your grey decides that you are "the one", you should feel priveleged and enjoy it for what it is - favouritism!!

Enjoy your baby - she is surely precious!<br><br>Post edited by: pearllyn, at: 2010/01/27 00:59

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thank you so much for reply,i didnt mean i push her i was meaning with my arm so she goes on to that instead,,i called her it as we all want different sex for her im only female so i call her a she lol,she has been doing all of the climbing with her beak but she has really been trying to bite me now,i knew that top of head makes them feel boss but im smallest in house lol,ill get the boys to help out more with her.thanks for your help much appreciated thanks.wendy

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