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The trouble with Alfie


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Is absolutely nothing at all!!

It's only fair that I sing her praises when she is being good, as I whine about her often enough when she's not!

It has to be said though, she is being a little angel at the moment and we just love her to bits! The biting has all but stopped, she's warming up to me big style, and though David is still her favourite, she seems to come to me for tickles and she likes me to tuck her in at night! She's just lovely and it's a real pleasure to be part of her flock!


Hope you and yours are all well!


Lyn & Alfie


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You're right Lyn - we are too quick to complain and don't take the time to praise and thank (not only in bird world)!


After the summer you had last year with Alfie it's great news that she's finally settling down a little bit - I suppose it is, as they say, the terrible twos!


Good girl Alfie - mammy's so proud :)

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