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Biting for attention


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For quite a while now when Rita is on my hand she will bite and put her head down for me to scratch her neck. If I am doing something else she will continue to nip at me (hard pinches) until I scratch her head and neck. What to do?

I think she is being bratty but I'm not sure what to do because I want her time on my hand to be positive.

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I think a lot of greys do this to get attention. My Ana Grey will nip at me if I ignore her and she wants me to scratch her. I tell her no bites and say, do you want a scratch? It has gotten so she now just lowers her head to let me know she wants a scratch. You and Rita need to find a happy medium a way to communicate with each other that you will both understand. I talk to Ana Grey all the time, our greys understand a lot more than we think.

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Janet is right, they will nip for attention if yoru ignoring them.


The best thing to so is either have a T-Stand or something next to you with toys and food to keep them entertained or put them in their cage until your done with what your doing.


Otherwise, the nipping will continue.

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