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Full flight here we come!


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Chimay just lost his second cut flight feather! I feel like we've been waiting forever to start seeing signs of his first steps towards being fully flighted again. And it looks like another one ong his right wing that's a little loose and out of place so I think that'll be the next one to go. Yay!

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That's great! You won't know what's hit you once Chimay gets those feathers in and starts zipping around the house! It's great when you call them from another room and they come flying to you ~ probably even more precious when they've been clipped and you've never seen them do it before. Go Chimay! :)

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Its so wonderful to watch the birds in flight zipping around the house playing tag and catch me if you dan. Adaya and Fergie are by far my best flyers its just amazing to watch them in the air. Tyco is trying soso hard to learn how and everyday he will take a short flight from his cage to Fergies cage just to hang out with his buddy. Its so sad that he is now almost 7 yrs old and still cannot fly well. It make me so mad when people clip the birds before they have properly fledged.

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Thanks for all of the well wishes guys! During our pre-bedtime scritches I noticed one of the new flight feathers (one that dropped about 3 weeks ago I think) just barely peeking out past the line of cut ones. Eee! I'm so glad that you guys are here b/c to any non-bird person the excitement of this sort of milestone would make NO sense at all.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's lovely when it goes well. Here's a video of what can go wrong. It does have a happy ending, but a round 3 minutes in it gets really scary!



We are rehearsing for our musical in the old school hall at the minute. It's huge and from my first inspection looks bird safe. I'm going to ask if we can take Alfie along one night to give her a good old fly. Will let you know how we come on.


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