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:) after posting im new in the new members section i had some questions about rocky my african grey hes about 10 months old he says hello scratchy scratchy which im sure he picked up off our oranged winged amazon paddy. i have a few questions firstly i have let them out together once they seamed fine but i was very nervouse is it wise to do this?????? secondly why do greys scratch at the bottom of the cage ???? and finally why does he sleep on the bottom of the cage when the orange winged paddy sleeps on the perch we have had them both from babys
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I would supervise all time that both of them are out together, they were on their best behavior to begin with but you have to be sure they do get along well. Greys especially are not usually sociable with other species of birds sometimes not even with their own kind.


I have a grey and a sun conure and I cannot have them on the same playstand, they are out at the same time but not close to one another. Of course my grey does not fly, she has trimmed the feathers on one wing so she pretty much stays where I put her.


My grey will still do that scratching and sometimes it is not when she is in the cage, sometimes when she is out and she sees me nearby and wants to come near me she will do that, it usually is a begging thing but not anything to worry about.


Some birds will sleep on the highest point in their cage as others are content to stay on the bottom, some even enjoy retiring in little birdie huts but if he sleeps on the bottom and is fine with it then that is all that matters.

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They will scratch at the bottom because nature is making them do something which is common in the wild. They dig up things in the wild. They're scavengers. It's not something that they just do when they feel like it. Look at your bird's face. he's totally oblivious to what's going on when he's doing that.

It can be compared to a dog who stays in one spot and constantly walks in a circle before finally laying down to sleep. There may be a dog bed there or no bed there but he still goes in corcles and tries to make an area to lay down in. That's also nature at work.

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I have a 17-month old female grey and a re-homed 10+ male ekkie. Ana Grey wants to be friends with Sully but Sully screams every time Ana Grey comes near him. When Sully is hormonal I have to watch Ana Grey like a hawk because if she goes near Sully him would nail her without batting an eye. As for the scratching Ana Grey does it when she wants out of her cage. She is out of her cage almost all day so I ignore it if I am busy.

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ooooops it dont work .had rocky and paddy out together yesterday .and rocky the grey chased paddy the oranged winged everywhere.we had to put them in different rooms.shame as i wanted them out together main thing is i was watching them like a hawk. and they are both ok:blink:

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