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Incessant calls and foot ring...


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Hey guys, two questions for you:


Yoshi has been picking at the ring around her foot a lot lately, and I'm wondering if that's okay? Distracting her is no use, as the next instant I look she is back at it. I examined her foot, and it isn't irritated or anything as far as I can tell...


Also, Yoshi has always made this loud contact call to me (hardly ever my husband, usually just me) if I am in another room or if she is out of my sight, and I always yell something back, like 'I'm here!' or 'Hey Yoshi' and she is content for a few minutes until I come back into sight... but lately she has been doing the same call in my sight, like if she is on her stand and I am in the kitchen... it's constant, and whether I say anything to her or not she keeps calling and calling and it's really pretty annoying lol... I know my husband gets annoyed by it if he is near. As soon as I get her and she is with me, like on my shoulder, she stops the loud calls and is happy...


She still gets the same amount of attention... her playstand is full of toys, including a new one I made for her and bells, her favorites, yet lately she won't play with them either. She just sits and screams at me until I get her... even if she is on her stand an arms length or two away, she still isn't happy...


This has only been going on a week and a half now... is it a phase? Is she spoilt? Have I somehow encouraged the incessant calling? She usually is with me, on my shoulder and what not, but before she has always been happy on her stand for a little bit too...


Guess I'm in need of some advice!<br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/01/23 22:43

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She wants to be with you and if you give in to the calls and pick her up every time then the calls will continue. Beau calls for me, and my vet advised against having him on me constantly for this very reason. When he calls for me, even if I'm right next to him, I attend to him in some way - sometimes picking him up and letting him sit on me, majority of the time though it's by giving him a scratch or a treat, redirecting his attention to a new toy and talking to him for a few minutes. Then I go about my business. Beau would have been very happy to have sat on my shoulder all day had I let him. He is now almost 7 months old and is doing very well, feathers growing back in and playing with toys on his own. Yoshi is very young and she needs to learn to entertain herself. You need to be untrained on responding with a pick-up every time she calls.



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When Yoshi calls for you call back to her to let her know you are still around but she just can't see you, that way it is reassuring to her but you can't come to her at that moment, sometimes that is all they want is to know where you are.


As far as that band around her leg I would consider having the vet remove it especially if she is picking at it, could be irritating her in some way.

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Jess, Ana Grey had a plastic band on her leg and she never bothered with it. When I had her microchip, I asked the vet to remove it and was I surprised with the marking that was under the band. So if Yoshi is fiddling with the band, I would have a vet remove it. About the calling, Ana Grey always calls to me when I leave the room, so I just say, I'll be back and that quiets her down. Of course, if I don't come back soon enough she calls again so I just call back. This seems to work for us.

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