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I think I need more help with Francis :(


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Sorry everyone for the long wait but this site crashed on me on sunday night and have only just been able to get back on:angry:

Rocky went to the vet yesterday not a very pleasant trip for him lol. Anyway vet says that i have wrapped him in the towel wrong and have hurt him:( A parrots breathing and anatomy are so complex that even holding them in the slightest bit too firmly can cause all sorts of problems.There is no sign of the lump ever being there that he could see, so he says not to panic but to keep a very close eye on him for the next few days.He also gave me the number of an emergency Avian vet just incase it does appear again. He wants to see him again next week just for a check. Rocky is eating and playing and still biting so he obviously feels o.k. I am just really sad that i am the cause of this:( i told the vet about Francis too and he did say that although this is maybe the cause of rockys problem it may not be the same for Francis so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take Francis to the vet as soon as!

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Glad to hear it's nothing too serious with Rocky - hopefully you won't see that lump on him again. Don't feel too sad about it - accidents happen and I'm sure we've all towelled our birds at one stage or another. At least now becasue of your post, everyone will be extra extra careful with it! ;)


Hope Francis' lump turns out to be not too serious too!

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RockysMum wrote:

Oops dont know what happened there.


No problem. I deleted all the duplicate posts.


What happens is the forum does not seem to be doing anything. It is sometimes VERY slow to respond. So you click on submit more than one time.


The number of times you click on submit = the number of duplicates that will be generated. :-)

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Sorry it has taken me so long to get back on here. I haven't been able to load the site the last couple of days.

I called the vet first thing on monday morning only to find out that they are out until tomorrow. Sooo....I am getting up first thing to call and then off we go. I was checking him over tonight and it is still coming and going.


I am glad to hear that rocky is going to be fine!! I hope I get the same news about Francis! The poor guy has been through more than enough.


One question regarding his trip to the vet....I know this is probably going to be stressful for him but is this going to effect his progress that he has made with the plucking? He is starting to let his feathers come in, is this going to cause him to pluck them out again??

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I can imagine the trip to the vet will be stressful but I doubt it will cause any set back, once he is back home he should soon be back to his normal self, Josey does not care for visits to the vet either but she is fine right after she gets home.


Please do let us know when you find out anything.

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I wouldn't worry to much about the feathers right now. Paco chews a bit when he gets bored or stressed, and I drag the poor bird in on a regular basis, so much so that the vet said, "See you in October!" last time I was in... I know how frustrating the plucking can be, and know that it is your secondary concern, maybe you will be surprised and it will be Francis' highlight of the day!!!


Francis' health is most important, get that checked and let us know what is going on. I think we are all in agony waiting for a diagnosis, or explanation. From there, you can concentrate on thos darn feathers again! Who knows, Paco seems to enjoy going tithe vet, except for the crop check!


Good luck tomorrow!!!

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Thanks guys! I am definately more concerned for his health but I also would love to see a happily feathered Francis! The poor guy only has feathers on his head and wings.

Well I am very anxious to know what is going on with him and I will get right on here to let you all know what we find out!<br><br>Post edited by: trail_rider, at: 2010/01/27 05:28

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Glad all is working out okay. I know it can be frightening when things like this crop up.


I'll see it with baby Greys that have just eaten. When they finish eating, they lay down on a full crop, which pushes/presses on the air sacs. This pushes one or more of them up just like in the earlier pictures.


On an adult bird, it's less frequent, but a full crop or odd body position can extend the sac. It usually returns to normal position within a short time. I didn't know that normal handling might cause this.


First time I saw it, I thought their crop was pushing up past their neck. My vet continues to shake her head at my ignorance of bird anatomy. Oh well, glad I can continue amuse others :)<br><br>Post edited by: Spinner, at: 2010/01/27 15:00

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Well we have returned from the vet. and the verdict is: it is just his air sac. Man did I feel silly! She said that you typically won't see it in a feathered bird because of the feathers covering it up when it appears. The only time it inflated while we were there is when I gave him an almond and he had his head down.

She assured me that it is nothing to worry about.

I am still going to keep an eye on it for a while.


Does anyone else have a plucked bird that they can see this on?


My mind is still having a hard time knowing that he is okay......i guess i am just a worry wart.

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Well, that's great news! It is also very informative, but I think I would still take my bird into the vet, even knowing this from your experiences, so no need to feel silly. We are kept by our birds, but certainly not avian vets!


An air-sac is serious business, so you did the right thing!


How did Francis get along with the vet? Did it stress him out, and have you noticed any plucking? I'm hoping you don't!!!

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Francis got along fairly well with the vet. I brought along some almonds to entice him to be a good boy. He will be anyone's friend if they have an almond. I haven't really noticed any plucking, he has been chewing at his feathers abit, but I just gave him a new toy and a papertowel roll to keep him busy. :)

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Thats great news about Francis:)

Sounds like he got along fine at the vets, Makes it easier to take them.


And to anyone reading these posts for some advice,

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if this happens to your bird then go see the Avain Vet A.S.A.P.

As these 2 cases have had a happy outcome, not all cases are the same.


Good Luck to Francis in the future xxxx

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I'm so pleased both Francis and Rocky are doing well - and you are so right RockysMum - all our birds are different and what's okay for one might not be for another. You have both highlighted something though that none of us seemed to be aware of ~ thank you for both sharing your experiences and again, I am pleased things are fine now for them both :)

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