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Harvey thinks he's a blackbird!


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Harvey's been making some strange noises lately - but this one is the best mimicking he has done yet! It's a blackbird! Sorry about the quality - I had to lie on the living room floor, whilst he was drying after a shower and pretend I was texting - he just doesn't let me video him! The blackbird is at about 43 seconds.


th_22012010033.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2010/01/23 19:01

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Jill, how old is Harvey now? And how much is he talking/mimicking?


Paco is also making really strange noises that I have never heard from him before, and he has become much more vocal. I've been wondering if he is preparing to surprise me by reciting some great work of rhetoric or something. So far, it's all been anti-climatic though.


I think its a riot you pretend you are texting, I have to do the same thing, but haven't had to lay on the floor yet! Ha ha!

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judygram wrote:


Now what I would have liked to have seen is you on the floor taking that video, heh heh heh!!!:laugh: ;):P


Haha yes that would definitely have been worth seeing!!!


Very sneaky camera work though Jill - well done! YOu'd def be in the running for the Undercover Camera Work of the Year Award!!

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Xtreme575 wrote:

Jill, how old is Harvey now? And how much is he talking/mimicking?


Harvey's 13 months old and he says the odd word, such as "hello" and "Michael" and "uh oh" when he's done something wrong - but his mimickery is fab - he does the microwave, the squeaky door to the kitchen, me blowing my nose and coughing (after an illness over Christmas).


Steve - I was going to have to answer your question about where Harvey heard this with "I don't know" - his cage is too far into the house to hear what's going on in the garden, so it's been a bit of a mystery - until five minutes ago!


I was in my dressing room getting ready to go out (as usual accompanied by the fiend) and I had the radio on. There was an advert for a local care home describing the rooms as bright and breezy, communal areas as welcoming - and beautiful gardens and surrounding area - ACCOMPANIED BY A BLACKBIRD CHIRP! At that point, perfectly reciprocating the blackbird call, Harvey answered!!!


I leave the radio on for him during the day when we are at work - so this is where he's got it from - I had to see it to believe it!!!


Lyn - I'm jacking in work and opening my new private eye agency - I'd be great at it!! :laugh:

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luvparrots wrote:

What will you be detecting Jill? If you need someone to find out why your grey is biting you, Call Jill?? :laugh: :P :silly:


And when I find that one out I'll make myself millions!!!


I'm just pleased it's a blackbird he's copying - when he was about five months old it was a seagull !!!! :laugh:

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