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It's all about Harvey!


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The last three days have been living hell with Harvey. He will not play with his toys, he will not play on his playstand, in fact he will not do anything that doesn't involve either biting me or biting whatever door frame he can get near.


If he's not getting any attention he flies at me and now has the uncanny knack of grabbing one finger with his talons, whilst perching the other foot on my shoulder, thus if I try and release my finger his legs splay and he knows I'm not going to snap him in two. This move is done in about two seconds flat - and culminates in me receiving a good old beak dig somewhere around the fleshy finger region.


It's like the Hokey Cokey in here at the minute - he's in, out, in, out of his cage - I'ts honestly like someone has flicked a switch overnight - he's never been like this before!!! My question is:


WHEN DO THEY GROW OUT OF IT??? No, it's not really!!


How long is a "time out" and do they really understand they are going to jail? Other than giving me some time without getting attacked, does it actually do anything for them?


I'd be grateful for your psychological analysis of good old bird brain over there (in his cage at present)!!! ;)

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Sorry to hear about your trouble with Harvey - it sounds familiar though.

When Alfie started all that nonsense (end of the summer) after I stopped feeling sorry for myself (!) She started getting a time out in her travel cage (not her regular cage cause she like it too much - toys etc), and I cover it over - usually no longer than 5 mins. And that was just for really bad bites that drew blood. Maybe around half a dozen timeouts and that bad biting stopped!

She gets timeouts now in her regular cage for naughty stuff, but hasn't been in the travel cage for a long time.

So the biting is abaiting, sadly the destruction is not and she's chomping us out of house and home!


Hope Harvey passes this phase sooner rather than later.


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Oh my, Harvey is being a little brat and testing his status in the household. I have said it many times that my grey is fearless and has a mind of her own. I don't give her time outs, I just tell her no in a harsh tone. I grew up on a farm and learned early on that animals are animals and some you have to eat. There were 7 of us children so we learned early that things had to last a long time because there wasn't always enough money to replace them. That being said, I never let Ana Grey on my shoulder, if she flies towards me I just put up my arm or arms and ward her off, she has to maneuver away from me and land somewhere else. She now lands on the back of my recliner instead of on me. If she sneaks up on me and lands on my shoulder, I just shrug her off. She does not get hurt, she is quite a little flyer now and maneuvers beautifully. Ana Grey has never landed on my woodwork if she did I would think nothing of swattering her away with a rolled up newspaper. As much as I love her and will protect her she still has to obey my rules. I think her knowing what the boundaries are and my being constant saves us both a lot of grieve and I'll never have to cook her!!!! :silly: :lol: ;)

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:woohoo: Oh my! What have I gotten myself into! Paco is just starting to become a little more independent of me, starting to refuse to step up everytime I ask, choosing to play on his gym instead.


When his clip finally grows out, I have flying to bite me to look forward to! I don't mind a little love nip now and then, parrot or otherwise, but I'm not into the biting thing! LOL!

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Oh my this does sound familiar and they know exactly how to get you into a position where they can give a good bite.


For the time out it needs to be immediate otherwise they will not associate it with the bite. A short time out is enough. Also if you have to chase him to get him into the cage then he will think this is a game and will love it so will continue with the biting to get the attention.


I do what luvparrots does, when Rangi bites I say no bite, give him the evil eye and put him down as fast as I can and then I turn my back on him and walk away and ignore him.


It has got to the point now that when I say no bite Rangi says "ok" and then he goes "what do you say, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry". At this point I am trying not to laugh as I walk away from him.


He now knows that biting means being ignored and play time stops, which is not what he wants so he is careful about the biting.


They go through phases like this so don't worry Harvey will get through it and I hope your fingers do as well.

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luvparrots wrote:

I grew up on a farm and learned early on that animals are animals and some you have to eat. I think her knowing what the boundaries are and my being constant saves us both a lot of grieve and I'll never have to cook her!!!! :silly: :lol: ;)


:ohmy: Fly for your life Ana Grey!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Seriously though, I have done the shrug move on occasion - you can tell when they are in that mood if there is a bite coming or not. She looses shoulder priveleges in those instances!!


Xtreme575 wrote

I don't mind a little love nip now and then, parrot or otherwise, but I'm not into the biting thing! LOL!


{Feel-good-0002006E}{Feel-good-0002006E}<br><br>Post edited by: pearllyn, at: 2010/01/22 12:42

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Thanks everyone - a little bit progress has been made. It is only the door at the study that he has decided to sink his beak into - so when I'm on the forum is his favourite time. I've tried putting things over the door frame - he takes them off - he is fearless.


So, now I have a load of foot toys, foraging things and other bits and pieces on my desk to the right of me - he seems to be quite happy - but does stray to bit the mouse, phone and keyboard!!


At least he's not biting me and my woodwork!!!! :laugh:

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