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Screaming like a Quaker...


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Does anyone have greys here that DO talk but also scream like any other bird they may have?


Right now my girl can say Hello, give kisses, the microwave beeping, whistle the spongebob theme, and make the sound of pouring a glass of water...So hello is her only actual WORD...But she is screaming like my Quaker SO much...I am worried she wont try to talk any further, just scream like him...Thats why I wondered if anyone else has a grey that talks, but also screams like another bird they have, Like conures, Quakers, Macaws, ect....


And what should I do when she screams like him? What should be my reaction? None at all? I just dont know...

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To be realistic here, you really can't do anything about it.

You can't stop a grey from whistling or imitating microwaves or drips or commands to a dog or imitating birds that he/she hears on the TV or imitating the sounds of other outside birds etc etc.

Most things are pleasent to the human ear. Many other things aren't pleasent to the human ear. A grey doesn't find it unpleasent to screech. It's just imitation be it loud or soft. It's simply imitating a sound and they're well known to imitate the sound perfectly.

You can try to keep them separate so that one doesn't hear the other but even then, if a grey hears another bird's pitch or sound from far away, it's possible for that grey to imitate that sound. The difference is that the imitation of sound will be lower and more distant. They don't forget past sounds. It's possible for your grey to imitate that sound again because the sound is in the grey's memory bank. You can also try to distract him when he's doing that but it's very hard to stop their natural abilities of imitation.


Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2010/01/21 18:07<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2010/01/21 18:09

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OK great, Thanks guys, I dont care if she does it, I just dont want that to be ALL she learns, But even if it is I will still love her ;)


Yeah, I have a really small house, So even if I seperate them dave, She will still be able to hear him fine...So you say to try and distract her? Like with what? Like maybe say something else, or just talk to her or something? Should I tell her "no"? I have been trying that, And it works for a couple min's, I say no, And then I say "talk pretty" and then I say "whatcha doin" "are you being good" you know just trying to teach her other things to say.


But good to know luvparrots that your does a crow and scream, but still speaks too :) I now have hope, lol

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My grey Josey imitates my sun conure scream and very realistically too, sometimes I have to look to see which one it was but she does not overdo it. She talks and makes other imitations of household things but you just have to ignore it for you aren't going to stop her from vocalizing what she wants to.


So don't worry that she will only do imitations and not talk, she will do both and be very good at it.;)

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