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The Oldest African Grey?


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We did give Blue a mention at the very start - and it was by association (you had half ownership to the prize!) :laugh: Yip! Defintely ~ even though a "silent" forum member - seems Bernard is winning!!


I love the pictures of Blue too - he doesn't age at all :laugh:


Definitely going to be a tough one to beat here!!! ;)

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Blue is a great bird but he is showing a bit of age,He moves quite slow and loves a nap and an early night,he lets you know when it is his bed time.He has quite good feathers and nice bright eyes and is always ready for a bit of food,food is his hobby lol.

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Blue gets fed a seed mix plus fruit and veg.My cousin thinks I spoil charlie too much lol.I must say Blue is not looking too bad on it.He has never been clipped in his life but he does not fly much now.He just likes sitting on top of his cage.

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Thanks Sheila!


Thats what I suspected at that age.


So this dispels the "Myth" by producers of pellets that if your bird is NOT on them, they will die younger due to lack of proper nutrition. :-)


It is also why I do not try to force an unnatural pelleted diet on my birds. Nothing is better than what nature provides. However, the key is the owners must provide a well rounded diet to ensure they are naturally receiving all the vitamins, minerals and oils they need for good health.


It's too bad most owners of old parrots are themselves aged and not active on the internet. They could provide very valuable insight and data to all Parrot owners.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/01/28 14:06

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Ha Ha! Obviously anyone over the age of 45 has had it Janet!!


This is interesting about the pellets. I feed pellets - because my breeder told me to! Top and bottom of it. But - when I rescued Spiky (my cockatiel) I was naive and didn't know what you were supposed to feed them - that's right - cockatiel seed mix - that's what they sell in the shops!


I always offered him fruit - he loved apples - but his principle diet was seed. 17 whole, long years of seed! He was healthy, he was happy and he was loved - it seemed that's all he needed.


Saying that, if I every acquired another cockatiel - that would be a different matter - I would go to the lengths of the earth to feed it "better" - because that is what I've read you should do - so it must be right ;)


It's all propaganda and sales figures ;)<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2010/01/28 20:27

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I have two comments. First of all being very near my 60th birthday I'd like to say that Lambert58's mom would probebly have no trouble finding the forum if she had reason to do so. That said, I'll have to also confess that we didn't own a computer when I started keeping cockatiels in my 20's and I had one "how to" book on birds and fed my cockatiels seed mix "fortidiet" that had pellets in it but they wouldn't eat the pellets. All of my cockatiels lived 16 to 20 years except for one that had an accident.

I should add that I would do a much better job now with all the information that is available on the computer and how easy it is to order books on-line. Back then if the book store didn't have it, or the pet store didn't have it, then you didn't know it existed.<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2010/01/29 06:06

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  • 2 months later...

Just jointed the forum site,


My African Grey Syd is very old thinking around 47 years old and a few months, inherited him last Christmas as his owner passed away aged 89 found pictures when clearing of Syd with his late owner when his late owner was in his late 30's...lucky enough he has taken to me brilliantly and has shown a really new lease of life seeing as am only 25! He talks and sings, whistle for England comes on my shoulder outside and sits in the garden with me, by far the greatest friend I have ever had.


Amazingly even thou I have only had him for just over 4 months, he said his first word in my voice about 3 weeks ago is this normal or am I just really lucky, don't get me wrong was a amazing long word was just simple with a bit of laddish charm YEAH! ha ha


Will post picture of me and Syd up soon


Charles & Syd

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Charles if Syd is flighted then you should be careful of taking him outside unless he is in a cage or on a harness, even if he is clipped he could be startled and still fly.


He sounds like an amazing grey, why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us more about you and Syd.

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Answer to questions, Syd isn't flighted he climbs down his cage and walks to me and follows me around the house (when he's not on my shoulder), I'm 25 and have had him as mine for 4 months but have known him all my life.


He vocabulary is amazing really, just a list of the words he says

Chips tonight

That's alright

how are you

thank you


oh yeah

wont be long

see ya later


bye bye

wouldn't mind a bit of fish and chips

you letting me out

I'll come I'll come


a rather cheeky laugh

and he counts backwards from 6 for some reason with a rather comical umm halfway through

opera as well when he gets excited

I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg seeing as its only been 4 months :-)


Will try and update more as it goes across, dont know how to do the welcome forum thing please if anyone could advise I will start of a new forum,





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Let's all make a pledge to still be true to our birds when they - and we - get old! It won't be easy. I can think of a dozen reasons I might need to find Ursula a new home (she's two) someday - illness, poverty, a behavior like a jet-plane-decibel scream that goes on and on, etc... Of course I can think of a dozen reasons I might need to get a divorce, too. But I am determined to stay true to my commitments.


We can be a new generation of parrot owners... I personally think many of the old parrots are out there locked in cages and largely unappreciated. We are changing the expectations, though, so things will change!

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  ecodweeb said:
Hm. I just realized that Talula is a year younger than my car.
Ha Ha! Harvey's three months younger than mine! I'm only 35 and yell at the kids in the street all the time - no wonder they don't visit on Halloween!!!


What a great thing you have done Charles in taking Syd in - I've PMd you on how to start a thread in the Welcome Room x

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Hahahahahaha! Jill, it's a good thing your on the other side of the pond, I have a feeling that we are kindred spirits, if I'm not yelling at the kids, I'm calling the police, and I don't turn 35 until May! My family all call me the cranky, eccentric who only has nice things to say about my parrot. I curse like a sailor too, but my baby grey has never heard it!

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  • 2 years later...

Well he is not the oldest, but it is wonderfull to me to know that there is more people than just me thats has a feathered brother that has been with them for most of there life. I was concerned that I might have to say goodbuy to Bartel soon, and I am just not ready for that yet. My mom brought him home as a chick for my dad's birthday when he was 3months old. In October he will be 33. He realy is like a younger brother to me, and out of concern that people started to tell me that he is getting very old now, I stumbled onto this forum. Hey, great news, now at least I will have a better idea what is good for him. Thanks guys for giving me and my little brother the hope of being together till I am at least 80.

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I really do not know how old my Smokie was when he passed , But he used to tell my mum when I was awake or crying as a baby(no intercoms baby monitors in them thar days lol)Smokie used to sit on my cot when I was a baby over 53 years ago! he was my mothers Pal and prior to that he had been my grandmothers Pal ! I think he was about 5 months old when my grandfather brought him to the UK when he came home on leave he gave Smokie to my Grandmother as an engage ment present in 1929!!

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In the Netherlands is a parrot foundation with a amzon parrot who is 91 years old and had a diet of sunflower seeds and peanuts!

I've been told to feed Harrisons pellets, but I don't get it, why there are birds on horrible diets who get very old...

So I give pellets, seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables... Just everything.

I hope my parrot get at least 60 years old...

Then I am 76 :)

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