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Looking for some input


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Hi everyone,


I have had sort-of a sad week. I have worked from home for a long time (Probably almost a year now), and now my company is going to be moving into an office. As a result it seems like I will be out of the house probably 50-60 hours a week, and my girlfriend will be doing the same in about a months time. I'm worried about my 9 month old CAG, Leto. He's so used to having me at home with him I think it might be really hard for him that I'll be gone.


I was wondering what you guys think would be more traumatic for him, being left alone for 10-12 hours a day or being rehomed? Do any of you have any experience with rehomed birds or is your bird left unattended for long periods during the day? This is a very difficult dilemma for me and I don't have any experience in either. I've tried very hard to keep Leto happy since I got him and I only want what's best for him.

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I am thinking you won't know what his reaction will be until you start the new schedule. I would explain it to him and perhaps leave the TV on either a music channel or talk shows for him. My flock puts up with me working but it is what is normal at my house. They do make a some DVD's that loop for birds to watch and listen to. I would make certain you get to interact with him both before and after work each day and give him extra love on the weekends. You might consider a webcam to keep an eye on him and invest in some new toys to take apart of figure out.

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I know and understand how you feel, however, all is not so bad. I am a teacher and spend most of my time with my cag from early morn. to nite time. I was concerned when summer ended and school started up again. I had no choice to cage him and hope for the best. Believe me, they are very adaptable and he adjusted just fine. I am gone from 8 until 4 or 5 and he is just fine. Just be sure to give him/her plenty of toys and food and water. You will be amazed how well he'll adjust. Please, don't re home him. That would be so much more traumatic on him. When you get home, just spend as much time as you possibly can and also in the a.m. before you head to work. He will be just FINE!!!



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The others have given good information.


Greys are very adaptive and will learn to live with a new schedule. They would rather be in the home they have known and consider as theirs and their flock.


Just make sure your grey has plenty of things to keep him busy with toys to chew made of wood and foraging toys filled with surprise treats as a reward for the work to get to them.

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I had hoped to take time off work when I first got my grey in September, but it just couldn't happen. So, he has been staying at home alone since day 1. Perhaps you could start going out for a bit each day, increasing the amount of time to help him get accostomed to having TV or the radio as his company. The other thing is, I never know how long my day is going to be. Sometimes Im gone 7 hours, othertimes 12+. But I sure try to make up the time with quality when I can't give home quantity!


The only other information that I can offer, coming home and seeing how excited Paco is to see me back is the most rewarding part of my day!

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I have two rehomed CAGs, 10 and 17 (or I guess 18 and 11 now... it's 2010), and they are in their cages from 11pm-3pm. From 3pm-11pm they are out of their cages and allowed more or less free roam of the house.


My little girl has stopped plucking and is letting her beautiful feathers regrow, and she's talking up a storm. She's adapted quite well to our schedule.


The boy has known this for some time (over a year) and he is quite pleased.


Both our birds tend to stay up later with us (and scream if we cover them but we stay up), and I think they sleep mostly after breakfast during the day.


Mine seem OK with it, but your in a different situation.


I'd think that rehoming would be harder on the poor guy, he knows you and only you, don't take that from him.

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