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Alfie got trapped!


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Alfie is always wanting what she can't have - anything lying on the desk and it's like bees to a honeypot! Her latest obsession is Davids specs case - it's one of those ones that snap shut. It's pretty sturdy so lately we've put a treat in it and it usually keeps her occupied for a good ten minutes! This time, she was persisting with going onto the desk, but when I saw that she was after the case, I let it go cause she can't do any harm with it.

She'd been at it for a few minutes, when, a split second after I noticed she had gone quiet (always a sign of trouble!) she let out her contact call - a two tone whistle that we use whenever we get home. I turned round to see her standing on one leg, looking at me and the other leg in the air....trapped inside the case!!

Obviously I didn't stop to take a photo first, but answered her call for help, but I wish somehow I could have snapped it, it was just the funniest thing. Of course she was fine and just went right back to it!!

She hasn't gotten trapped again though!


Hope you and yours are all well!


Lyn & Alfie


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JillyBeanz wrote:

I can't believe she went straight back to it - aren't these supposed to be intelligent birds!!!


Do you know I regularly wonder that - everytime she gets a time out for being naughty - but then I'm sure I knew kids who would still sneak out at night even though they knew it would get them grounded! (I wasn't one of them, of course!!) I guess this particular episode just didn't phase her at all!

Poor little Alfie - I'm sorry for laughing!! :laugh:


Don't be - I did too!!


Janet, I'll have the video on standby......


Jan, so do the little ring boxes you get - she's nabbed a couple of those too!


Lambert, I'd say this was more 90%-10%!!:laugh:

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I'm taking psychology in school at the moment and having a blast posting about the research (that's what we're studying at the moment) with information about Grey's and Dr. Pepperburg's work with Alex. Even my professor didn't know about this work. Now I have this additional wealth of knowledge from the forum as well as my observations from my own two grey's to put up regarding behaviors and body language (also very useful in my intepersonal communication's class). Thank's for the laugh and the behavior - you're educating more than those of us on the forum!



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