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Toy 'Phone' Question...


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Has anyone ever bought the 'Jungle Talk Talk n Play Phone' for their birds? I'm considering it, as Yoshi doesn't have anything that makes noise in her cage except bells.... and it isn't a bad price... just wondering if anyone has experience (good or bad) with this thing?




Here is the link, only 3 reviews but they are good...

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Jess, I almost bought this toy for Beau a while back from the UK site "Northern Parrots" and then I read the reviews: http://www.24parrot.com/Talk-%60n%60-Play--2-Sizes-P34940a/#reviews Please beware as your parrot can break the mirror!


I bought an alternative toy instead which had been recommended to me by another forum member: http://www.24parrot.com/product.asp?pf_id=3240a

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Hi Jess,

Yes Alfie has had one of these for just over a year, and loves it, it's just gone back in her cage after a wee break and she's knocking seven bells out of it! However, as Julie has just pointed out - it is breakable. Just yesterday Alfie pushed one of the buttons in so far it no longer makes a noise now on that button, although she has taken a year to do that.

I do inspect it every day though, as I do with all her toys to make sure they are still safe.

I keep trying to get a video of her playing with it, but she leaves it to focus on the camera whenever she sees me!!

I've just recommended this to someone too. It doesn't go in the cage, but is so great because you can record what you like on to it and leave it to run continually while you are out at a chosen interval. Alfie pays attention to this too.




Let us know how you come on.

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