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Two trips. One more important than the other.


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First trip: dinner: http://greyttimes.com/?p=225


Second trip: Next Saturday we're going to go visit the Gabriel Foundation, THE bird rescue here in Colorado. Just south of Denver.


We honestly don't know what the outcome will be. We originally called them with the intent of rescuing an older grey. However, they say that their greatest need is for fids between 4 - 8 years of age. It seems people adopt, own for a few years, then discover they didn't do their homework and they're not prepared to care for an adult fid.


I'm going to have to leave my heart at home otherwise I'll bring home half their birds (they said they have 400+ rescues... it breaks my heart).


They need people to take "unadoptable" birds... meaning those that were in environments where they weren't understood so they're aggressive, and need someone to work with them until they become adoptable. But we don't know if we can do that. I become so bonded with all our critters I don't know if I could give them up.


It's going to be a test.

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Lambert58 wrote:

I'm going to have to leave my heart at home


Yeah! Righto! You are so brave even going somewhere like this - I would just crumble - I hate things like that. Good luck, whatever you decide - but I'm sure you'll be telling us about your little addition very shortly!!! :)

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My goodness! Good luck with that! It's a good job there are people like you, and one or two other members here, who are strong enough to do things like this and help birds who really really need help. I couldn't, at least not now. Maybe in the future....

Do let us know how you come on.

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oh my! good for YOU. go and keep an open mind.


we foster puppies at times. people think one cannot give up a pup that one has fostered, but i sure can. it is wonderful to teach them their basic skills and to see them off to their new forever homes. i bathe them and love them and teach them all i can in the little time i get. it is a fabulous link in the chain and an honor and a joy to be a part of.


of course there are tears! you have earned each sweet salty one. but look at the invaluable service you are rendering to that forever home. you've given that little soul a really good start on the path to a wonderful life.


so go go go and let us know every little thing. if you are meant to help a wee one on to their forever home -- again, what an honor.


i'll be watching for your report!



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I spent some years as a drill instructor. That taught me to take someone else's (cough) messed up, spoiled kid and turn them into a responsible, adaptable, successful person.


Maybe I can translate that into the avian world :)


We did have to move our trip due to work issues, though, and hopefully we can get there this next weekend.

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ah lambert, i am standing by awaiting your report. and Good Name! merlin. my CAG is merlin. he is a rescue and #1 birdy here at the monkey house.


i have a 'tiel that is a re-home. but i am friends with his former mum and the deal is she could call me up in however-many years and ask for him back and back he will go.


and you know what? she did the right thing for him turning him over to me. makes it easy for me to do the right thing also by turning him back to his original mum should conditions warrant. i like him just fine and treat him as my own knowing he is not really. and that is fine. after all are we not merely custodians anyway for the short times they are here?


each little soul that finds its way through the monkey house is cherished and adored to the best of our ability in the time given us. so some stays are long, some are short. we do with what we get.


you may have this quality also but one never knows until one gives it a try. being a gushy sort of person i never thought i would have the ability to let a little one under my care move on. it is surprisingly easy once one gets accustomed to it. when you accept that you are a tiny piece of the big puzzle it puts it all into perspective.


and really, is it about me? nope. it's about me AND the little ones. big difference. the joke here at the monkey house is that i am the Trainable Human.


so those are my thoughts on the matter! do well, enjoy your visit, and come home either empty handed or not depending on what your path should be.



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I know exactly what you're saying, Sandra. It's not about us but about how we can make sure the fids we're entrusted with move on to better lives.


It's like having an endless stream of children that you send out into the world, and I know that we can only control what we can control.


Don't think it doesn't still make me crazy, though! I have a basic need to ensure every fid I see lives the most perfect life ever.... and that's unrealistic, but it is what it is :)

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