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Pugnacious Pongo wants to say hello

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Amazingly its been about a month since Pongo found her new home from Northern California to Southern California, and joined the South Bay Enchanted Tiki Room otherwise known as our home.


So a bit about Pongo and how she came to join the flock of three cockatiels and two parakeets. Pongo was in need of a new home and through word of mouth through a co-worker we found about Pongo. It turns out her two mom's though working out of home really did not have the time to let Pongo live up to her full abilities. They were also moving to Europe within the next year and did not want to Pongo to go through the quarantine process.


After a premature email in introducing ourselves to them and a bit of a panic on their part, we were finally able to talk on the phone. We we able to acertain that it would be a good fit for Pongo to come live with us. It also gave us a chance to figure out her quirks like and dislikes in advance to make it as easy of a transition as possible for her. On December 17th Pongo came to live with us after a 8+ hour drive from Montery California. She arrived a little stressed and feather picked, but no worse for the wear, she immediately took to both Jason and I and we after some tearful good bye by her "moms" we let her settle in for the night.


Now, we are here exactly a month later and are amazed at the daily antics of this little grey ball of feathers. After her vet visit today she passed with flying colors I must add. It has been great discovering her abilities each day. So far she has said: "Hello, being a good bird, cool, be cool, whatcha doin?" She can whistle the Andy Griffith theme, has done a poor impression of Tigerlily our cat meowing. One of Jason's first thoughts was when I told him about Pongo was, "They can copy anything right? Do we really need to loud mouth Siamese Cats?" She has learned to laugh like both Jason and his mom, and cough like me often at the same time I do. She constantly amazes me.


She is eating more vegetables than she ever has, and frankly I seem to be spending more time in the kitchen preparing food and treats for these birds since Pongo's arrival. Almonds we were told were not liked and thrown aside in favor of Cashews and Pistachios.....well that changed within a couple of days when I was playing with a almond in front of her, till she finally took it and realized 1) these are fun to destroy, and 2) they have a nut inside of them! Hazelnuts still are a bit of a challenge.


Toys - we knew were going to be a challenge. After getting her first new toy the girls told us that "Pongo will enjoy that in five months" Again we played with it first and yes she apparently likes making liars out of the girls because she played with it for about 20 minutes. Other new toys are gaged for their newness, and if we play with it first she usually has no problem with it. We have been rotating new toys in and out for the last couple of weeks. Petsmart has loved me for the last couple of days!! Other toys hang out near the cage within sight, and then are hung on the outside of the cage, and finally inside when she is comfortable or is showing real interest in the toy.


Since we both work she has adjusted to her alone time during the day she is in full view of the living room and the other birds and watches PBS kids all day till we get home. By the time we get home she is allowed out to play eat dinner, and hang out with us for some cuddle time, or working on some training. All in all considering the changes she is adjusting well, the chest feathers are growing back in, and she is pecking less and less. The key I think has been taking things at her pace, and just loving her for who she is.


I know this was a long introduction but she has been one great bird.


Troy, Jason, Pongo and the rest of the flock.




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Hi wdizneguy welcome to you and Pongo and the rest of your flock. What a great introduction to Pongo. It certainly sounds like Pongo has found the right home and that things are going swimmingly. Can't wait to hear more about Pongo and am so very glad you decided to join the Grey family!!!:)

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Hello Troy and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Pongo.


You sound like you are totally enthralled with Pongo and no wonder, they are amazing creatures aren't they, she must be an absolute delight to have around.


She is a nice looking grey from her picture, thanks for including it in your intro post.


Be sure to read thru the many threads here as they are loaded with useful and helpful information and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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